Overview of Health Systems Assessment Approach 3.0

CORE Group

February 5, 2019
9:30 AM
Virtual Participation Available

Photo of the Health Systems Assessment Approach 3.0The Health Systems Assessment Approach: A How-To Manual (HSAA) was first published in 2007 by USAID and has been used in more than 30 countries. This webinar, hosted by the Community-centered Health Systems Strengthening Working Group, will introduce Version 3.0 of the publication.

Presentation and discussion will revolve around – What’s new? What is the HSAA method and how does it add value? How and where has the HSAA been used? How can the HSAA address community health?

Access the meeting here

Photo of Catherine Connor
Catherine Connor has 33 years of experience in health, both domestic and international, working with governments, NGOs, the private sector, bilateral, and multilateral agencies in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Since joining Abt Associates in 1999, she has managed and delivered technical assistance in health sector reform and system strengthening. Most recently she served as Deputy Director of USAID’s global Health Finance and Governance Project where she oversaw development of technical approaches and work plans, and implementation of health financing and governance activities including health insurance, health resource tracking and mobilization, and pay-for-performance. She has led assignments including a feasibility assessment of performance-based incentives in Mozambique, a health system assessment in Angola, and a regional health insurance workshop in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ms. Connor has an MBA with a concentration in Health Care Management from Boston University and is fluent in Portuguese.