COVID-19 PAHO Situation Reports
English Reports
PAHO/WHO activated regional and country incident management system teams to provide direct emergency response to Ministries of Health and other national authorities for surveillance, laboratory capacity, support health care services, infection prevention control, clinical management and risk communication; all aligning with priority lines of action. The Organization has developed, published, and disseminated evidence-based technical documents to help guide Member States’ strategies and policies to manage this pandemic in their territories.
November 13, 2021
Vaccine misinformation challenges for reporting in 2021 Webinar
EnglishSpanish Videos and Animations
“Vaccine misinformation challenges for reporting in 2021
Part of First Draft’s Webinars Series
First Draft is sharing skills, insights and tools to support reporters and the wider public in response to coronavirus, the upcoming US elections and more. Each week, we host free webinars for communities around the world, during different time zones and in multiple languages.”
November 13, 2021
(Multiple languages) Vaccines and Covid-19 (Covid Digital Classroom)
ArabicEnglishFrenchHindiPortugueseSpanishSwahili Videos and Animations
An animation about vaccines and COVID-19 for community based health workers
November 13, 2021
COVID-19: Vaccine Management
EnglishFrenchNdebeleSpanish Factsheets & FAQs
Fact sheet with links to more resources including that of: medical waste management, vaccine storage, vaccine access
Global COVID-19 Access Tracker
English Live Dashboards and Trackers
This comprehensive data tracker was launched at the COVID-19 Ministerial in November 2021, a meeting of world leaders following up on the Global COVID-19 Summit convened by the U.S. government. New data will be added.
WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard
English Live Dashboards and Trackers
The World Health Organization’s live dashboard reporting all of thier data on the Coronavirus.
(Multiple Languages) The Little Jab Book: 18 Behavioral Science Strategies for Increasing Vaccination Uptake
ArabicEnglishFrenchPortugueseSpanish Research Articles
The guide uses case studies to unpack vaccination barriers and suggests behavioral science strategies to a overcome them
Debunking COVID-19 Vaccine Myths
English Videos and Animations
US AID Kenya’s video library on COVID 19 information.
September 9, 2021
(Multiple Languages) COVID-19: Vaccines
EnglishFrenchKhmerMarathiPortugueseSpanishZulu Factsheets & FAQs
An animation about vaccines and COVID-19 for community based health workers
(Multiple Languages) Data for action: achieving high uptake of COVID-19 vaccines
EnglishRussianSpanish Reports
Understanding how people think, feel and act in relation to vaccination is vital to inform the development of strategies to generate acceptance and uptake for the vaccines. Generating and using data on behavioural and social drivers (BeSD) contains a set of tools – surveys, interview guides and related tools – to support gathering and use of quality data on the drivers and barriers to COVID-19 vaccines uptake. This guidebook will enable programmes to design, target and evaluate interventions to achieve greater impact with more efficiency, and to examine and understand trends over time.
April 1, 2021
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