HIV/AIDS Resource Materials

In by Lisa Hilmi

CORE Group
Family Health International (FHI)


This document is a guide to help readers consider their needs and abilities to implement any technical aspect of child survival. Because HIV must be addressed at many levels, Family Health International (FHI) and other agencies developed the concept of an expanded and comprehensive response (ECR) to HIV/AIDS. This document is designed to give private voluntary organizations (PVOs) a clearer sense of what is meant by “comprehensive response” to HIV/AIDS, and a better understanding of where their own interests and strengths are in that response, in their own context. Specific objectives are to: Convey the importance of comprehensive HIV programming in child survival strategies in HIV-affected communities; describe the synergy of interlinking technical interventions; discuss ECR issues in implementing technical strategies for HIV prevention, care and support; list key questions for different aspects of implementation for ECR technical strategies; outline the role of community groups in implementing and supporting technical interventions and provide references and resources for further reading.
