How to navigate practical research challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic: The African Story

The Global Health Network

August 31, 2021
Virtual Participation Available

The Global Health Network in partnership with the Uganda Virus Research Institute are organising a webinar, bringing together experts in the field from across Africa to share their experiences and unique challenges of conducting research during outbreaks and how they navigated them to deliver high quality research. At the end of the webinar, participants will have gained insights on how to navigate the associated bottlenecks and successfully coordinate and implement high quality studies during epidemics in resource limited settings.

Chair: Prof. Pontiano Kaleebu, Director Uganda Virus Research Institute and Director of the MRC/UVRI Uganda Research Unit, Honorary Professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Makerere University College of Health Sciences.

– Dr Jane Achan – MD, MSc PhD. Senior Research Advisor at Malaria Consortium UK, where she oversees and supports the research programmes across 11 countries in Africa and South East Asia.
– Dr. Sylvie Kwedi Nolna – Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaoundé
– Dr Jennifer Serwanga – Assistant Director Research (Immunology), Uganda Virus Research Institute
– Dr John Amuasi – Global Health and ID Research team leader, Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research (KCCR), Ghana; Principal Investigator, ALERRT COVID-19 Clinical Characterisation Protocol (CCP), KNUST/KCCR, Ghana