SBC Journal Club – Mindset, Grit, and other Motivational Factors

Monday, September 17, 2018(1:00pm-2:00pm )
Hosted by Social & Behavior Change Working Group

Carol Dweck and colleagues have researched the impact of simple, psychological interventions with students to address motivational or non-cognitive factors that influence student academic performance. Her research shows that this can matter even more than cognitive factors, and in fact, those students who have struggled the most, have the greatest benefit from these interventions. In this Journal Club, Joel Mercado and Kim Buttonow talked about the role of mindset and grit, and other motivational factors that greatly influence performance in an academic environment. In addition, participants discussed how these tools and curricula can be translated to our SBC interventions where staff and volunteer motivation and performance is important.

Webinar recording (Adobe Connect)

View the materials from the webinar: