Social Accountability Resource Hub
Social accountability is an effective approach in which the community and civil society-led efforts hold duty bearers, including service providers, responsive to each other. It establishes better channels for two-way information flows and new accountability relationships between duty bearers and citizens. Social accountability initiatives often interact with different agencies and levels within government systems. Some nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), for example, participate in programs and activities to support the involvement of national NGOs and citizens in social accountability processes to strengthen capacity to unite government and nongovernment actors and sometimes serve as conveners.

Other civil society organizations have focused on advocacy and campaigning. At the community level, there are examples of local groups enhancing citizenship through awareness of rights and increased capacity for political participation, and social movements have successfully advocated for state responsiveness to citizens’ rights and agendas. Effective social accountability has also positively influenced the responsiveness of providers, patient-centered quality of care, availability of resources, service access, coverage, and satisfaction with quality services.
This repository was created for practitioners to understand the basic elements and principles of social accountability, find ready to use tools and resources from their peers, and stay up to date with the latest evidence in this area. The focus of this repository is on the health system and community engagement in low and middle income countries to hold local health systems and services accountable.
Social Accountability Repository
The link is a detailed collection of the most up to date evidence and resources on Social Accountability related to the health system and community engagement, with over 300 materials. This spreadsheet is organized by 1) Web pages sharing their approach to social accountability; 2) Gray literature including reports, case studies, evaluations, and implementation tools; 3) Systematic reviews and 4) Primary research articles.
Our search strategy can be found here.
This living repository was first created by Arisa Shichijo Koyomoto, MPP with technical support from members of CORE group’s Systems for Health working group. Social Accountability is a rapidly evolving topic, therefore to ensure this repository is complete and up to date, we ask that you send us additional resources and feedback. Email CORE Group.

Click on the tabs below to access the contents of the repository according to their classification.
Abbreviation | Institution Title | URL | Contact information | Description (what resources are available? region/topic focus?) |
COPAHSA | Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health | | | COPASAH, established in 2011 in South Africa, is a community of organizations and practitioners, primarily from Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and Europe, that seeks to bridge the gap between knowledge and capacity to conduct social accountability and community monitoring. It facilitates the exchange of experiences and supports documentation and dissemination of lessons to promote community-centered practices. The website provides rich practical resources, including reports of capacity-building workshops, case studies, practitioners’ interview films, and tools. |
GPSA | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | | | GPSA, based in Washington, DC, is a global partnership platform of social accountability projects sponsored by the World Bank, that aims to support civil society and governments across the world to work together to solve critical governance challenges. The website provides case studies primarily from Africa, South Asia and Latin America, past events archives, learning notes for practitioners, and working papers. The GPSA also offers selected grants; a detailed application process with focused topics is available on the website. |
ARC | Accountability Research Center | | | ARC, based in American University’s School of International Service, is a research center seeking to bridge research and frontline perspectives to learn from ideas, institutions, and actors that advance strategies to improve public accountability. The website provides a database of publications (e.g., working reports, evaluation reports, blogs with grounded experiences) and featured case studies from Columbia, the Philippines, and Bangladesh. |
CSEM | Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 | | | CSEM is the civil society constituent of UHC2030 (formerly the International Health Partnership, IHP+), which aims to achieve inclusive and equitable Universal Health Coverage (UHC) policies through strengthened citizen-led and social accountability mechanisms at sub-national, national, regional, and global levels. The website provides an e-library for webinar archives and reports, and advocacy toolkits (in English / French / Spanish) with a topic focus on UHC. |
Page title | Institution Title | URL |
Resources – Accountability & Citizen Engagement | Results For Development (R4D) | |
How we work – Accountability & Citizen Engagement | Results For Development (R4D) | |
Our work – Social Accountability | USAID – Health Evaluation and Applied Research Development (HEARD) Project | |
Health Finance & Governance Project | USAID – Health Finance & Governance Project | |
High Impact Practice Briefs > Social Accountability | Family Planning High Impact Practices (HIPs) | |
Improvement Strategies – System – Social Accountability | Primary Health Care Performance Initiative (PHCPI) | |
The Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) | Institute of Development Studies (IDs) | |
Rights and Accountability | Population Council – The Evidence Project | |
Community Score Card© (CSC) | CARE | |
Improving the Linkages between Social Accountability and Social and Behavior Change | Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator | |
Advocacy and accountability | Options | |
Decentralization and local good governance, ensuring development in line with the needs of communities | Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation | |
Social Accountability Approach, Citizen Voice and Action | World Vision | |
Child Rights Governance | Save the Children – Child Right Resource Center | |
Accountability | Partnership for Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health (PMNCH) | |
Community engagement & Social mobilisation | UNICEF – Communication for Development (C4D) | |
Citizen Report Card (CRC) Learning Toolkit | Public Affairs Centre (PAC) | |
SPARK (Strengthening Public Accountability for Results and Knowledge) | International Budget Partnership | |
Promoting Social Accountability to Empower Local-level Community for Improved Service Delivery and Democratic Governance in East Africa | United Nations (UN) – The Partnership Platform for SDGs |
Implementation tool/guideline | Title | Publisher/Institution | Authors | Publication year | URL |
Review report | Social Audits in Service Delivery: An Annotated Bibliography | Open Government Partnership and Accountability Research Center | Suchi Pande | 2022 | |
Evaluation report | Citizen Voice and Action Effectiveness Study Report 2022- World Vision Bangladesh | World Vision | NA | 2022 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Manual on Social Accountability: Concepts and Tools New Delhi, India: Centre for Budget and Governance Accountabilit | CBGA | Kohli, Divya Singh | 2021 | |
Review report | Community Monitoring For Accountability in Health: Review of Literature | the Accountability and Monitoring in Health Initiative (AMHI) of the Open Society’s Public Health Program (PHP) | Walter Flores | 2021 | |
Evaluation report | Bottom-up Accountability in Uganda: Learning from People-centered, Multi-level Health Advocacy Campaigns | Accountability Research Center | Angela Bailey and Vincent Mujune, with a preface by Prima Kazoora | 2021 | |
Evaluation report | Assessing the National System for Social Accountability in Health: Applying an Assessment Tool to Measure Maturity and Performance of National Social Accountability Systems in Health: Results of a Pilot Study in Rwanda and Malawi | University Research Corp. (URC) Women Influencing Health, Education, and Rule of Law (WI-HER), LLC City University of New York Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy (CUNY SPH) |
Foster, Allison Annette Msiska, Thumbiko Wachizma Havugimana, Cassien Martin Hilber, Adriane |
2021 | |
Project report/Case study | Mobilizing Domestic Funding for Reproductive Health in Kenya’s Counties: A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO BUDGET ADVOCACY AND SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY | Population Reference Bureau, Inc. (PRB) | Dennis Mwambi | 2021 | |
Review report | THE POWER OF YOUTH VOICES How Youth Are Holding Their Health Systems Accountable for Family Planning and Reproductive Health | USAID/Jhpiego, MOMENTUM | NA | 2021 | |
other working papers | Community Score Card Project Brief | CARE | NA | 2021 | |
Project report/Case study | Community Score Card Case Study: Evolution to Scale | CARE | NA | 2021 | |
Project report/Case study | Community Scorecard for COVID-19 Vaccines in Malawi | CARE | NA | 2021 | |
Project report/Case study | C4D Works!: Spot it! Stop it! – Changing attitudes and behaviours related to violence against children in Kenya | UNICEF | NA | 2021 | |
Evaluation report | CAPSAI: Community and provider- driven social accountability intervention for family planning and contraceptive service provision: experiences from the field | WHO | NA | 2021 | |
Evaluation report | Transparency for Development – Results and Implications | Transparency for Development | Jessica Creighton, Jean Arkedis, Archon Fung, Stephen Kosack, Dan Levy & Courtney Tolmie; | 2021 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Integrating Accountability to Affected People into Country Office Planning Cycles -Summary guidelines | UNICEF | NA | 2020 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Government-led Community Score Card© for Family Planning Services | CARE | NA | 2020 | |
Learning note | In Brief: Evidence on the role of social accountability in advancing women, children, and adolescents’ health | Global Health Visions | NA | 2020 | |
Project report/Case study | Improving Linkages between Social Accountability and Social and Behavior Change | Results for Development | NA | 2020 | |
Project report/Case study | A Journey through the Community Score Card in Malawi | CARE | NA | 2020 | |
Project report/Case study | C4D Works!: Addressing GBV-related social and gender norms in Somalia | UNICEF | NA | 2020 | |
Project report/Case study | C4D Works!: Community engagement to end female genital mutilation in the State of Eritrea | UNICEF | NA | 2020 | |
Evaluation report | Insights from Transparency and Accountability Action Plans in Indonesia and Tanzania | Transparency for Development | Jessica Creighton, Jean Arkedis, Archon Fung, Stephen Kosack, Dan Levy & Courtney Tolmie | 2020 | |
Evaluation report | Reinforcing social accountability in health services in Sud Kivu and Kongo Central provinces | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | Jean Benoît Falisse, with Eric Mafuta and Philémon Mulongo | 2019 | |
Project report/Case study | Setting the Stage for Increased Accountability: The White Ribbon Alliance Nigeria Campaign to Improve Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Niger State | Accountability Research Center and White Ribbon Alliance | Rachel Sullivan Robinson | 2019 | |
Project report/Case study | Measuring the benefits to the communities they serve – The social return on investment of community accountability mechanisms for health |
The Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Programme in Northern Nigeria (MNCH2) |
NA | 2019 | |
Evaluation report | Impact Report 2018-2019 – E4A-MamaYe | E4A-MamaYe | NA | 2019 | |
Learning note | How can a rethink of lessons from field experiments inform future research in transparency, participation, and accountability? | International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) | Jonathan Fox | 2019 | |
Project report/Case study | Round Table on Social Accountability Malawi, September 2018: Report and Suggestions Moving Forward | MCSP, USAID | Angela Bailey | 2019 | |
M&E tool | Monitoring and Evaluation of Evolving Social Accountability Efforts in Health – A Literature Synthesis | MCSP, USAID | Ligia Paina, Julie Saracino, Jessica Bishai, Eric Sarriot | 2019 | |
Project report/Case study | Case Study: Commitment from Facility Management Committees Improves Quality of Health Services | CARE | NA | 2019 | |
Project report/Case study | Technical Brief: Communities Support Health Facilities in Sierra Leone | CARE | NA | 2019 | |
Project report/Case study | The Motion Tracker – Driving Accountability, Action, and Achievement | USAID, Health Policy Plus project. | NA | 2019 | |
Evaluation report | Scaling Social Accountability: Evidence from Asia, Africa and the Caucasus | World Vision | NA | 2019 | |
Evaluation report | Community-Provider Partnerships for Quality Improvement in Rwanda | USAID, TWUBAKANE – Decentralization and Health Program Rwanda |
NA | 2019 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Fostering Joint Accountability Within Health Systems Training Curriculum, Guidance for a Participatory Assessment of Accountability Linkages, and Action Steps for Advocates | USAID, Health Policy Plus project. | NA | 2018 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Citizen Voice & Action Field Guide | World Vision | NA | 2018 | |
Evaluation report | Citizen Voice and Action for Government Accountability and Improved Services : Maternal, Newborn, Infant and Child Health Services : Final Evaluation Report | Community Matters | Daniel Ball, Gill Westhorp | 2018 | |
Project report/Case study | Learning to Sustain Change: Mitanin Community Health Workers Promote Public Accountability in India | Accountability Research Center | Samir Garg and Suchi Pande | 2018 | |
Project report/Case study | How Can Evidence Bolster Citizen Action? Learning and Adapting for Accountable Public Health in Guatemala | Accountability Research Center, CEGSS | Walter Flores | 2018 | |
Evaluation report | Evidence 4 Change: Citizen Voice and Action model | World Vision | NA | 2018 | |
Review report | Two Promising Social Accountability Approaches to Improve Health in Malawi: Community Score Cards, and National Health Budget Consultation, Analysis and Advocacy | MCSP, USAID | Tanvi Monga, David Shanklin | 2018 | |
Project report/Case study | Citizens Voice and Influence for Nutrition Service Delivery in Turkana Kenya | World Vision | NA | 2018 | |
Evaluation report | Citizen Voice and Action for Government Accountability and Improved Services: Maternal, Newborn, Infant and Child Health Services | Community Matters | NA | 2018 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Social Accountability Resources and Tools | MCSP, USAID | Sandra Wilcox, David Shanklin | 2017 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Rights-Based Family Planning: 15 Resources to Guide Programming | The Evidence Project: Population Council | NA | 2017 | |
other working papers | Monitoring Corruption and Anti-Corruption in the SDGs: A Resource Guide | Transparency International | NA | 2017 | |
Review report | Civil Society Involvement in Family Planning: A Review of Global Programming and Evidence | The Evidence Project: Population Council | NA | 2017 | |
Evaluation report | Citizen Voices, Community Solutions: Designing Better Transparency and Accountability Approaches to Improve Health | Transparency for Development | NA | 2017 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Guidance for Pairing SAA with Community Score Card | CARE | NA | 2016 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Social accountability – A practitioner’s handbook Basel Institute on Governance | Switzerland: Basel Institute on Governance | Baez Camargo, Claudia, and Franziska Stahl | 2016 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | GOVERNANCE AND SERVICE DELIVERY – Practical Applications of Social Accountability Across Sectors | RTI International | Anna Wetterberg, Derick W. Brinkerhoff, and Jana C. Hertz | 2016 | |
Project report/Case study | Knowledge Brief: A Review of Social Accountability Approaches in Health in Tanzania | Options | NA | 2016 | |
Evaluation report | SSDI- Services Activities Performance Evaluation | USAID | NA | 2016 | |
Evaluation report | Baseline Report Transparency for development (T4D) | Transparency for Development | NA | 2016 | |
Evaluation report | Global Partnership for Social Accountability : Program Evaluation : Final Report | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | Mark Robinson | 2015 | |
Project report/Case study | The Transparency for Development Initiative | Results for Development | Courtney Tolmie, Jean Arkedis | 2015 | |
other working papers | Engendering Accountability: Upholding Commitments to Maternal and Newborn Health | Global Health Visions | NA | 2015 | |
other working papers | Social Accountability: A Primer for Civil Society Organizations Working in Family Planning and Reproductive Health | USAID | Erin McGinn and Alyson Lipsky | 2015 | |
M&E tool | Guide to Assessing Social Accountability Efforts Across Sectors | RTI International | Williamson, Taylor | 2015 | |
other working papers | Engendering Accountability: Upholding Commitments to Maternal and Newborn Health | Global Health Visions | R. Sneeringer, S. Hurd, and K. Mehling | 2015 | |
M&E tool | Proposed Indicators of Human Rights and Family Planning | The Evidence Project: Population Council | Kelsey Wright, Karen Hardee | 2015 | |
Project report/Case study | Social Accountability – a primer for civil society organizations working in family planning and reproductive health | USAID, Health Policy Plus project. | Erin McGinn and Alyson Lipsky | 2015 | |
Project report/Case study | Changing Lives Through Social Accountability | World Vision | NA | 2015 | |
Evaluation report | Accountability in Local Service Delivery: The Tuungane Community Scorecard Approach | Guillame Labrecque and Isatou Batonon | NA | 2015 | |
Learning note | What Next For Strategic Social Accountability? | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | NA | 2014 | |
Learning note | How are GPSA’s Partners Thinking About Scale and Trying to Achieve It | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | Guerzovich,Maria Florencia Poli,Maria |
2014 | |
Review report | Social accountability: What does the evidence really say? | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | Jonathan Fox | 2014 | |
Project report/Case study | Accelerating Progress in Family Planning: Options for Strengthening Civil Society-led Monitoring and Accountability | Results for Development | Robert Hecht, Caroline Poirrier, Courtney Tolmie, Mark Roland | 2014 | |
Evaluation report | Information is Power Experimental Evidence on the Long-Run Impact of Community Based Monitoring | World Bank | Björkman Nyqvist, M, de Walque, D, and Svensson, J. | 2014 | |
other working papers | The Role of Social Accountability in Improving Health Outcomes: Overview and Analysis of Selected International NGO Experiences to Advance the Field | CORE Group, , USAID | NA | 2014 | |
Review report | Social Accountability: What are the Lessons for Improving Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs? A Review of the Literature | The Evidence Project: Population Council | Boydell, Victoria, and Jill Keesbury | 2014 | |
other working papers | Strengthening the Evidence Base on Social Accountability for Improving Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs: Meeting Report | The Evidence Project: Population Council | NA | 2014 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) : Operation Manual | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | NA | 2013 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | The Community Score Card (CSC): A generic guide for implementing CARE’s CSC process to improve quality of services | CARE | NA | 2013 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Accountability and Transparency for Public Health Policy: Advancing Country Ownership | Futures Group | K.W. Slevin, C. Green | 2013 | |
other working papers | USAID Strategy on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance | USAID | NA | 2013 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Sourcebook of 21 social accountability tools | World Bank | Bhattarai, Chiranjibi Khadka, Kedar |
2012 | |
Evaluation report | Voice and Accountability: The Role of Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Committee | BRAC RED, Bangladesh | Margaret Leppard, Sarawat Rashid, Atiya Rahman, Mahmuda Akhter, Hashima-E-Nasreen | 2011 | |
Evaluation report | Examining the links between accountability, trust and performance in health service delivery in Tanzania | Ifakara Health Institute | Macha J, Mushi H P and Borghi J | 2011 | |
Evaluation report | COMPASS (Community Participation for Action in the Social Sector) End of Project Report | USAID | NA | 2009 | |
Evaluation report | Measuring Change and Results in Voice and Accountability Work | Department for International development | Jeremy Holland and Allyson Thirkell with Emmanuel Trepanier and Lucy Earl | 2009 | |
Evaluation report | A mixed-method approach to measuring empowerment in the context of social policy monitoring in Jamaica | World Bank | Brook, Simon Holland, Jeremy | 2009 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Partnership Defined Quality for Youth – A Process Manual for Improving Reproductive Health Services Through Youth-Provider Collaboration | Save the Children | NA | 2008 | |
Project report/Case study | Case Study – CLAS Peru | Future Generations | L. Altobelli. | 2008 | |
Evaluation report | Power to the People : Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment of a Community-Based Monitoring Project in Uganda | World Bank | Björkman, Martina; Svensson, Jakob. | 2007 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Citizen Report Card Surveys – A Note on the Concept and Methodolgy | World Bank | NA | 2004 | |
other working papers | Social accountability, An Introduction to the Concept and Emerging Practice | World Bank | Malena, Carmen, with Reiner Forster and Janmejay Singh | 2004 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Partnership Defined Quality a tool book for community and health provider collaboration for quality improvement | Save the Children | Lovich, Ronnie, Marcie Rubardt, Debbie Fagan, and Mary Beth Powers | 2003 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Social Accountability Reporting Checklist for Practitioners (SAR4Practice) Template | USAID | NA | NA | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Community Scorecard Manual: A Social Audit Tool to Monitor the Progress of VietNam’s Socio-Economic Development Plan | Ministry of Planning and Investment and UNICEF | NA | NA | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Community-Driven Development Toolkit: Governance and Accountability Dimensions | World Bank | NA | NA |
Title | link | Publication year | Journal | Authors |
Participation in primary health care through community-level health committees in Sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative synthesis | | 2022 | BMC Public Health |
Karuga R, Kok M, Luitjens M, Mbindyo P, Broerse JEW, Dieleman M.
Patient-public engagement strategies for health system improvement in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic scoping review | | 2021 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Ankomah SE, Fusheini A, Ballard C, Kumah E, Gurung G, Derrett S.
Social accountability for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health: A review of reviews | | 2020 | PLoS One |
Squires F, Martin Hilber A, Cordero JP, Boydell V, Portela A, Lewis Sabin M, Steyn P.
Methods to measure effects of social accountability interventions in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health programs: systematic review and critique | | 2020 | J Health Popul Nutr |
Marston C, McGowan CR, Boydell V, Steyn P.
Community participation in health services development, implementation, and evaluation: A systematic review of empowerment, health, community, and process outcomes | | 2019 | PLoS One |
Haldane V, Chuah FLH, Srivastava A, Singh SR, Koh GCH, Seng CK, Legido-Quigley H.
The impact of participatory budgeting on health and wellbeing: a scoping review of evaluations | | 2018 | BMC Public Health |
Campbell M, Escobar O, Fenton C, Craig P.
Improving social accountability processes in the health sector in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review | | 2018 | BMC Public Health |
Danhoundo G, Nasiri K, Wiktorowicz ME.
Community participation in general health initiatives in high and upper-middle income countries: A systematic review exploring the nature of participation, use of theories, contextual drivers and power relations in community participation | | 2018 | Soc Sci Med |
Hoon Chuah FL, Srivastava A, Singh SR, Haldane V, Huat Koh GC, Seng CK, McCoy D, Legido-Quigley H.
The role of Community Mobilization in maternal care provision for women in sub-Saharan Africa- A systematic review of studies using an experimental design | | 2017 | BMC Pregnancy Childbirth |
Muzyamba C, Groot W, Tomini SM, Pavlova M.
A review of CARE’s Community Score Card experience and evidence | | 2016 | Health Policy Plan |
Gullo S, Galavotti C, Altman L.
Synergies, strengths and challenges: findings on community capability from a systematic health systems research literature review | | 2016 | BMC Health Serv Res |
George AS, Scott K, Mehra V, Sriram V.
Understanding the black box: a systematic review of the measurement of the community mobilization process in evaluations of interventions targeting sexual, reproductive, and maternal health | | 2015 | Eval Program Plann |
Altman L, Kuhlmann AK, Galavotti C.
Community Participation in Health Systems Research: A Systematic Review Assessing the State of Research, the Nature of Interventions Involved and the Features of Engagement with Communities | | 2015 | PLoS One |
George AS, Mehra V, Scott K, Sriram V.
[Social participation and health in Brazil: a systematic review on the topic] | | 2014 | Cien Saude Colet |
Paiva FS, Stralen CJ, Costa PH.
Community engagement to enhance child survival and early development in low- and middle-income countries: an evidence review | | 2014 | J Health Commun |
Farnsworth SK, Böse K, Fajobi O, Souza PP, Peniston A, Davidson LL, Griffiths M, Hodgins S.
Effects of community participation on improving uptake of skilled care for maternal and newborn health: a systematic review | | 2013 | PLoS One |
Marston C, Renedo A, McGowan CR, Portela A.
A systematic review of the literature for evidence on health facility committees in low- and middle-income countries | | 2012 | Health Policy Plan |
McCoy DC, Hall JA, Ridge M.
A systematic review of COPC: evidence for effectiveness | | 2008 | J Health Care Poor Underserved | Gavagan T. |
Title | link | Publication year | Journal | Authors | |
Social accountability as a strategy to promote sexual and reproductive health entitlements for stigmatized issues and populations | | 2022 | Int J Equity Health |
Schaaf M, Arnott G, Chilufya KM, Khanna R, Khanal RC, Monga T, Otema C, Wegs C.
Building social accountability to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health in Nigeria | | 2022 | Int J Equity Health |
Robinson RS, Adams T.
Self-reliance or social accountability? The raison d’être of community health committees in Nigeria | | 2022 | Int J Health Plann Manage |
Abimbola S, Drabarek D, Molemodile SK.
Community Participation in Primary Healthcare in the South Sudan Boma Health Initiative: A Document Analysis | | 2022 | Int J Health Policy Manag |
Belaid L, Sarmiento I, Dimiti A, Andersson N.
Implementing a Social Accountability Approach for Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health Service Performances in Ethiopia: A Pre-Post Study Design | | 2021 | Glob Health Sci Pract |
Argaw MD, Fekadu BD, Mamo E, Abebe MG, Rogers D, Demelash A, Ayele AA, Reda Z, Tareke AS, Erfo AM, Wonjalo WW, Bele TA, Ayede A, Abebe LG.
Evaluation of social accountability in hospital managers | | 2021 | J Educ Health Promot |
Gorji HA, Niknam N, Ghaedchukamei Z, Gharavinia A, Safari M, Elahi M, Rahmati R, Mengelizadeh N, Aghaei N, Ghojogh HA, Shakeri K.
The role of community participation in primary health care: practices of South African health committees | | 2021 | Prim Health Care Res Dev |
Haricharan HJ, Stuttaford M, London L.
From effectiveness to sustainability: understanding the impact of CARE’s Community Score Card© social accountability approach in Ntcheu, Malawi | | 2021 | Health Policy Plan |
Mgoli Mwale P, Msiska T, Chinkhota K, Munthali T, Wako E, Rodriguez M, Laterra A, Shato T, Sebert Kuhlmann A.
Strengthening social accountability in ways that build inclusion, institutionalization and scale: reflections on FHS experience | | 2020 | Int J Equity Health |
Bennett S, Ekirapa-Kiracho E, Mahmood SS, Paina L, Peters DH.
Can social accountability mechanisms using community scorecards improve quality of pediatric care in rural Cambodia? | | 2020 | Int J Qual Health Care |
Edward A, Jung Y, Chhorvann C, Ghee AE, Chege J.
Implementing social accountability for contraceptive services: lessons from Uganda | | 2020 | BMC Womens Health |
Boydell V, Nulu N, Hardee K, Gay J.
Adaptation and validation of social accountability measures in the context of contraceptive services in Ghana and Tanzania | | 2020 | Int J Equity Health |
Boydell V, Steyn PS, Cordero JP, Habib N, Nguyen MH, Nai D, Shamba D.
Influence of community scorecards on maternal and newborn health service delivery and utilization | | 2020 | Int J Equity Health |
Kiracho EE, Namuhani N, Apolot RR, Aanyu C, Mutebi A, Tetui M, Kiwanuka SN, Ayen FA, Mwesige D, Bumbha A, Paina L, Peters DH.
Rationale and design of a complex intervention measuring the impact and processes of social accountability applied to contraceptive programming: CaPSAI Project | | 2020 | Gates Open Res |
Steyn PS, Boydell V, Cordero JP, McMullen H, Habib N, Nguyen TMH, Nai D, Shamba D, Kiarie J; CaPSAI Project.
Can social accountability improve access to free public health care for the poor? Analysis of three Health Equity Fund configurations in Cambodia, 2015-17 | | 2020 | Health Policy Plan |
Jacobs B, Sam Oeun S, Ir P, Rifkin S, Van Damme W.
A strategic approach to social accountability: Bwalo forums within the reproductive maternal and child health accountability ecosystem in Malawi | | 2020 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Butler N, Johnson G, Chiweza A, Aung KM, Quinley J, Rogers K, Bedford J.
Do community scorecards improve utilisation of health services in community clinics: experience from a rural area of Bangladesh | | 2020 | Int J Equity Health |
Hanifi SMA, Hossain A, Chowdhury AH, Hoque S, Selim MA, Mahmood SS, Bhuiya A.
Feasibility, acceptability and initial outcome of implementing community scorecard to monitor community level public health facilities: experience from rural Bangladesh | | 2020 | Int J Equity Health |
Mahmood SS, Rasheed S, Chowdhury AH, Hossain A, Selim MA, Hoque S, Bhuiya A.
Performance of Thailand’s universal health coverage scheme: Evaluating the effectiveness of annual public hearings | | 2020 | Health Expect |
Kantamaturapoj K, Marshall AI, Chotchoungchatchai S, Kiewnin K, Patcharanarumol W, Tangcharoensathien V.
Studying social accountability in the context of health system strengthening: innovations and considerations for future work | | 2019 | Health Res Policy Syst |
Boydell V, McMullen H, Cordero J, Steyn P, Kiare J.
“We come as friends”: approaches to social accountability by health committees in Northern Malawi | | 2019 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Lodenstein E, Molenaar JM, Ingemann C, Botha K, Mkandawire JJ, Liem L, Broerse JEW, Dieleman M.
Social Accountability in Maternal Health Services in the Far-Western Development Region in Nepal: An Exploratory Study | | 2019 | Int J Health Policy Manag |
Hamal M, Heiter K, Schoenmakers L, Smid M, de Cock Buning T, De Brouwere V, Bardají A, Nepal C, Dieleman M.
“It’s like these CHCs don’t exist, are they featured anywhere?”: Social network analysis of community health committees in a rural and urban setting in Kenya | | 2019 | PLoS One |
Karuga RN, Kok M, Mbindyo P, Hilverda F, Otiso L, Kavoo D, Broerse J, Dieleman M.
“We make a direct impact on people’s lives”: Youth empowerment in the context of a youth-led participatory budgeting project | | 2019 | J Community Psychol |
Augsberger A, Gecker W, Collins ME.
The health system accountability impact of prison health committees in Zambia | | 2018 | Int J Equity Health |
Topp SM, Sharma A, Chileshe C, Magwende G, Henostroza G, Moonga CN.
Informal social accountability in maternal health service delivery: A study in Northern Malawi | | 2018 | PLoS One |
Lodenstein E, Ingemann C, Molenaar JM, Dieleman M, Broerse JEW.
The challenges of institutionalizing community-level social accountability mechanisms for health and nutrition: a qualitative study in Odisha, India | | 2018 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Feruglio F, Nisbett N.
Using Health Committees to Promote Community Participation as a Social Determinant of the Right to Health: Lessons from Uganda and South Africa | | 2018 | Health Hum Rights |
Mulumba M, London L, Nantaba J, Ngwena C.
How does social accountability contribute to better maternal health outcomes? A qualitative study on perceived changes with government and civil society actors in Gujarat, India | | 2018 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Hamal M, de Cock Buning T, De Brouwere V, Bardají A, Dieleman M.
Closing the Gap between People and Programs: Lessons from Implementation of Social Accountability for Family Planning and Reproductive Health in Uganda | | 2018 | Afr J Reprod Health |
Boydell V, Neema S, Wright K, Hardee K.
Overcoming barriers to access and utilization of maternal, newborn and child health services in northern Nigeria: an evaluation of facility health committees | | 2018 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Oguntunde O, Surajo IM, Dauda DS, Salihu A, Anas-Kolo S, Sinai I.
Participatory approach to design social accountability interventions to improve maternal health services: a case study from the Democratic Republic of the Congo | | 2017 | Glob Health Res Policy |
Mafuta EM, Dieleman MA, Essink L, Khomba PN, Zioko FM, Mambu TNM, Kayembe PK, de Cock Buning T.
Beyond form and functioning: Understanding how contextual factors influence village health committees in northern India | | 2017 | PLoS One |
Scott K, George AS, Harvey SA, Mondal S, Patel G, Ved R, Garimella S, Sheikh K.
Effects of a social accountability approach, CARE’s Community Score Card, on reproductive health-related outcomes in Malawi: A cluster-randomized controlled evaluation | | 2017 | PLoS One |
Gullo S, Galavotti C, Sebert Kuhlmann A, Msiska T, Hastings P, Marti CN.
A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding Community Participation in Community Health Needs Assessments | | 2017 | J Public Health Manag Pract |
Pennel CL, McLeroy KR, Burdine JN, Matarrita-Cascante D, Wang J.
Negotiating power relations, gender equality, and collective agency: are village health committees transformative social spaces in northern India? | | 2017 | Int J Equity Health |
Scott K, George AS, Harvey SA, Mondal S, Patel G, Sheikh K.
Gauging the Effects of Social Accountability on Services, Governance, and Citizen Empowerment | | 2016 | Public Administration Review |
Derick W. Brinkerhoff,Anna Wetterberg
Scorecards and social accountability for improved maternal and newborn health services: A pilot in the Ashanti and Volta regions of Ghana | | 2016 | Int J Gynaecol Obstet |
Blake C, Annorbah-Sarpei NA, Bailey C, Ismaila Y, Deganus S, Bosomprah S, Galli F, Clark S.
Community participation in the decentralised district health systems in Tanzania: why do some health committees perform better than others? | | 2016 | Int J Health Plann Manage |
Maluka SO, Bukagile G.
Information, regulation and coordination: realist analysis of the efforts of community health committees to limit informal health care providers in Nigeria | | 2016 | Health Econ Rev |
Abimbola S, Ogunsina K, Charles-Okoli AN, Negin J, Martiniuk AL, Jan S.
Understanding the local context and its possible influences on shaping, implementing and running social accountability initiatives for maternal health services in rural Democratic Republic of the Congo: a contextual factor analysis | | 2016 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Mafuta EM, Hogema L, Mambu TN, Kiyimbi PB, Indebe BP, Kayembe PK, De Cock Buning T, Dieleman MA.
Developing citizen report cards for primary care: evidence from qualitative research in rural Tajikistan | | 2016 | Health Policy Plan |
Bauhoff S, Tkacheva O, Rabinovich L, Bogdan O.
Social accountability for maternal health services in Muanda and Bolenge Health Zones, Democratic Republic of Congo: a situation analysis | | 2015 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Mafuta EM, Dieleman MA, Hogema LM, Khomba PN, Zioko FM, Kayembe PK, de Cock Buning T, Mambu TN.
Between compliance and resistance: exploring discourses on family planning in Community Health Committees in Mozambique | | 2015 | BMJ Open |
Capurchande RD, Coene G, Roelens K, Meulemans H.
Enhancing governance and health system accountability for people centered healthcare: an exploratory study of community scorecards in Afghanistan | | 2015 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Edward A, Osei-Bonsu K, Branchini C, Yarghal TS, Arwal SH, Naeem AJ.
Effects of a community scorecard on improving the local health system in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: qualitative evidence using the most significant change technique | | 2015 | Confl Health |
Ho LS, Labrecque G, Batonon I, Salsi V, Ratnayake R.
Effects of quality improvement in health facilities and community mobilization through women’s groups on maternal, neonatal and perinatal mortality in three districts of Malawi: MaiKhanda, a cluster randomized controlled effectiveness trial | | 2013 | Int Health |
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A realist synthesis of the effect of social accountability interventions on health service providers’ and policymakers’ responsiveness | | 2013 | Syst Rev |
Lodenstein E, Dieleman M, Gerretsen B, Broerse JE.
Promoting community participation in priority setting in district health systems: experiences from Mbarali district, Tanzania | | 2013 | Glob Health Action |
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Implementing community participation through legislative reform: a study of the policy framework for community participation in the Western Cape province of South Africa | | 2012 | BMC Int Health Hum Rights |
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Community participation and voice mechanisms under performance-based financing schemes in Burundi | | 2012 | Trop Med Int Health |
Falisse JB, Meessen B, Ndayishimiye J, Bossuyt M.
Community advisory committees: drivers of consumer, carer, and community participation in Victoria’s public health services | | 2010 | J Ambul Care Manage | Mack L. | |
Social audit of provincial health services: building the community voice into planning in South Africa | | 2004 | J Interprof Care |
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Service accountability and community participation in the context of health sector reforms in Asia: implications for sexual and reproductive health services | | 2004 | Health Policy Plan |
Murthy RK, Klugman B.
Community participation in local health boards in a decentralized setting: cases from the Philippines | | 2001 | Health Policy Plan |
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Pessoto UC, Nascimento PR, Heimann LS.
Partnerships, community participation and intersectoral collaboration in South Africa | | 2001 | J Interprof Care |
el Ansari W, Phillips CJ.
- Key Groups
Abbreviation Institution Title URL Contact information Description (what resources are available? region/topic focus?) COPAHSA Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health COPASAH, established in 2011 in South Africa, is a community of organizations and practitioners, primarily from Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and Europe, that seeks to bridge the gap between knowledge and capacity to conduct social accountability and community monitoring. It facilitates the exchange of experiences and supports documentation and dissemination of lessons to promote community-centered practices. The website provides rich practical resources, including reports of capacity-building workshops, case studies, practitioners’ interview films, and tools. GPSA The Global Partnership for Social Accountability GPSA, based in Washington, DC, is a global partnership platform of social accountability projects sponsored by the World Bank, that aims to support civil society and governments across the world to work together to solve critical governance challenges.
The website provides case studies primarily from Africa, South Asia and Latin America, past events archives, learning notes for practitioners, and working papers. The GPSA also offers selected grants; a detailed application process with focused topics is available on the website.ARC Accountability Research Center ARC, based in American University’s School of International Service, is a research center seeking to bridge research and frontline perspectives to learn from ideas, institutions, and actors that advance strategies to improve public accountability. The website provides a database of publications (e.g., working reports, evaluation reports, blogs with grounded experiences) and featured case studies from Columbia, the Philippines, and Bangladesh. CSEM Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 CSEM is the civil society constituent of UHC2030 (formerly the International Health Partnership, IHP+), which aims to achieve inclusive and equitable Universal Health Coverage (UHC) policies through strengthened citizen-led and social accountability mechanisms at sub-national, national, regional, and global levels. The website provides an e-library for webinar archives and reports, and advocacy toolkits (in English / French / Spanish) with a topic focus on UHC. - Approaches
Page title Institution Title URL Resources – Accountability & Citizen Engagement Results For Development (R4D) How we work – Accountability & Citizen Engagement Results For Development (R4D) Our work – Social Accountability USAID – Health Evaluation and Applied Research Development (HEARD) Project Health Finance & Governance Project USAID – Health Finance & Governance Project High Impact Practice Briefs > Social Accountability Family Planning High Impact Practices (HIPs) Improvement Strategies – System – Social Accountability Primary Health Care Performance Initiative (PHCPI) The Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) Institute of Development Studies (IDs) Rights and Accountability Population Council – The Evidence Project Community Score Card© (CSC) CARE Improving the Linkages between Social Accountability and Social and Behavior Change Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator Advocacy and accountability Options Decentralization and local good governance, ensuring development in line with the needs of communities Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Social Accountability Approach, Citizen Voice and Action World Vision Child Rights Governance Save the Children – Child Right Resource Center Accountability Partnership for Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health (PMNCH) Community engagement & Social mobilisation UNICEF – Communication for Development (C4D) Citizen Report Card (CRC) Learning Toolkit Public Affairs Centre (PAC) SPARK (Strengthening Public Accountability for Results and Knowledge) International Budget Partnership Promoting Social Accountability to Empower Local-level Community for Improved Service Delivery and Democratic Governance in East Africa United Nations (UN) – The Partnership Platform for SDGs - Literature
Implementation tool/guideline Title Publisher/Institution Authors Publication year URL Review report Social Audits in Service Delivery: An Annotated Bibliography Open Government Partnership and Accountability Research Center Suchi Pande 2022 Evaluation report Citizen Voice and Action Effectiveness Study Report 2022- World Vision Bangladesh World Vision NA 2022 Implementation tool/guideline Manual on Social Accountability: Concepts and Tools New Delhi, India: Centre for Budget and Governance Accountabilit CBGA Kohli, Divya Singh 2021 Review report Community Monitoring For Accountability in Health: Review of Literature the Accountability and Monitoring in Health Initiative (AMHI) of the Open Society’s Public Health Program (PHP) Walter Flores 2021 Evaluation report Bottom-up Accountability in Uganda: Learning from People-centered, Multi-level Health Advocacy Campaigns Accountability Research Center Angela Bailey and Vincent Mujune, with a preface by Prima Kazoora 2021 Evaluation report Assessing the National System for Social Accountability in Health: Applying an Assessment Tool to Measure Maturity and Performance of National Social Accountability Systems in Health: Results of a Pilot Study in Rwanda and Malawi University Research Corp. (URC)
Women Influencing Health, Education, and Rule of Law (WI-HER), LLC
City University of New York Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy (CUNY SPH)Foster, Allison Annette
Msiska, Thumbiko Wachizma
Havugimana, Cassien
Martin Hilber, Adriane2021 Project report/Case study Mobilizing Domestic Funding for Reproductive Health in Kenya’s Counties: A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO BUDGET ADVOCACY AND SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY Population Reference Bureau, Inc. (PRB) Dennis Mwambi 2021 Review report THE POWER OF YOUTH VOICES How Youth Are Holding Their Health Systems Accountable for Family Planning and Reproductive Health USAID/Jhpiego, MOMENTUM NA 2021 other working papers Community Score Card Project Brief CARE NA 2021 Project report/Case study Community Score Card Case Study: Evolution to Scale CARE NA 2021 Project report/Case study Community Scorecard for COVID-19 Vaccines in Malawi CARE NA 2021 Project report/Case study C4D Works!: Spot it! Stop it! – Changing attitudes and behaviours related to violence against children in Kenya UNICEF NA 2021 Evaluation report CAPSAI: Community and provider- driven social accountability intervention for family planning and contraceptive service provision: experiences from the field WHO NA 2021 Evaluation report Transparency for Development – Results and Implications Transparency for Development Jessica Creighton, Jean Arkedis, Archon Fung, Stephen Kosack, Dan Levy & Courtney Tolmie; 2021 Implementation tool/guideline Integrating Accountability to Affected People into Country Office Planning Cycles -Summary guidelines UNICEF NA 2020 Implementation tool/guideline Government-led Community Score Card© for Family Planning Services CARE NA 2020 Learning note In Brief: Evidence on the role of social accountability in advancing women, children, and adolescents’ health Global Health Visions NA 2020 Project report/Case study Improving Linkages between Social Accountability and Social and Behavior Change Results for Development NA 2020 Project report/Case study A Journey through the Community Score Card in Malawi CARE NA 2020 Project report/Case study C4D Works!: Addressing GBV-related social and gender norms in Somalia UNICEF NA 2020 Project report/Case study C4D Works!: Community engagement to end female genital mutilation in the State of Eritrea UNICEF NA 2020 Evaluation report Insights from Transparency and Accountability Action Plans in Indonesia and Tanzania Transparency for Development Jessica Creighton, Jean Arkedis, Archon Fung, Stephen Kosack, Dan Levy & Courtney Tolmie 2020 Evaluation report Reinforcing social accountability in health services in Sud Kivu and Kongo Central provinces The Global Partnership for Social Accountability Jean Benoît Falisse, with Eric Mafuta and Philémon Mulongo 2019 Project report/Case study Setting the Stage for Increased Accountability: The White Ribbon Alliance Nigeria Campaign to Improve Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Niger State Accountability Research Center and White Ribbon Alliance Rachel Sullivan Robinson 2019 Project report/Case study Measuring the benefits to the communities
they serve – The social return on investment of community accountability
mechanisms for healthThe Maternal, Newborn
and Child Health
Programme in Northern
Nigeria (MNCH2)NA 2019 Evaluation report Impact Report 2018-2019 – E4A-MamaYe E4A-MamaYe NA 2019 Learning note How can a rethink of lessons from field experiments inform future research in transparency, participation, and accountability? International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) Jonathan Fox 2019 Project report/Case study Round Table on Social Accountability Malawi, September 2018: Report and Suggestions Moving Forward MCSP, USAID Angela Bailey 2019 M&E tool Monitoring and Evaluation of Evolving Social Accountability Efforts in Health – A Literature Synthesis MCSP, USAID Ligia Paina, Julie Saracino, Jessica Bishai, Eric Sarriot 2019 Project report/Case study Case Study: Commitment from Facility Management Committees Improves Quality of Health Services CARE NA 2019 Project report/Case study Technical Brief: Communities Support Health Facilities in Sierra Leone CARE NA 2019 Project report/Case study The Motion Tracker – Driving Accountability, Action, and Achievement USAID, Health Policy Plus project. NA 2019 Evaluation report Scaling Social Accountability: Evidence from Asia, Africa and the Caucasus World Vision NA 2019 Evaluation report Community-Provider Partnerships for Quality Improvement in Rwanda USAID, TWUBAKANE – Decentralization and Health Program
RwandaNA 2019 Implementation tool/guideline Fostering Joint Accountability Within Health Systems Training Curriculum, Guidance for a Participatory Assessment of Accountability Linkages, and Action Steps for Advocates USAID, Health Policy Plus project. NA 2018 Implementation tool/guideline Citizen Voice & Action Field Guide World Vision NA 2018 Evaluation report Citizen Voice and Action for Government Accountability and Improved Services : Maternal, Newborn, Infant and Child Health Services : Final Evaluation Report Community Matters Daniel Ball, Gill Westhorp 2018 Project report/Case study Learning to Sustain Change: Mitanin Community Health Workers Promote Public Accountability in India Accountability Research Center Samir Garg and Suchi Pande 2018 Project report/Case study How Can Evidence Bolster Citizen Action? Learning and Adapting for Accountable Public Health in Guatemala Accountability Research Center, CEGSS Walter Flores 2018 Evaluation report Evidence 4 Change: Citizen Voice and Action model World Vision NA 2018 Review report Two Promising Social Accountability Approaches to Improve Health in Malawi: Community Score Cards, and National Health Budget Consultation, Analysis and Advocacy MCSP, USAID Tanvi Monga, David Shanklin 2018 Project report/Case study Citizens Voice and Influence for Nutrition Service Delivery in Turkana Kenya World Vision NA 2018 Evaluation report Citizen Voice and Action for Government Accountability and Improved Services: Maternal, Newborn, Infant and Child Health Services Community Matters NA 2018 Implementation tool/guideline Social Accountability Resources and Tools MCSP, USAID Sandra Wilcox, David Shanklin 2017 Implementation tool/guideline Rights-Based Family Planning: 15 Resources to Guide Programming The Evidence Project: Population Council NA 2017 other working papers Monitoring Corruption and Anti-Corruption in the SDGs: A Resource Guide Transparency International NA 2017 Review report Civil Society Involvement in Family Planning: A Review of Global Programming and Evidence The Evidence Project: Population Council NA 2017 Evaluation report Citizen Voices, Community Solutions: Designing Better Transparency and Accountability Approaches to Improve Health Transparency for Development NA 2017 Implementation tool/guideline Guidance for Pairing SAA with Community Score Card CARE NA 2016 Implementation tool/guideline Social accountability – A practitioner’s handbook Basel Institute on Governance Switzerland: Basel Institute on Governance Baez Camargo, Claudia, and Franziska Stahl 2016 Implementation tool/guideline GOVERNANCE AND SERVICE DELIVERY – Practical Applications of Social Accountability Across Sectors RTI International Anna Wetterberg, Derick W. Brinkerhoff, and Jana C. Hertz 2016 Project report/Case study Knowledge Brief: A Review of Social Accountability Approaches in Health in Tanzania Options NA 2016 Evaluation report SSDI- Services Activities Performance Evaluation USAID NA 2016 Evaluation report Baseline Report Transparency for development (T4D) Transparency for Development NA 2016 Evaluation report Global Partnership for Social Accountability : Program Evaluation : Final Report The Global Partnership for Social Accountability Mark Robinson 2015 Project report/Case study The Transparency for Development Initiative Results for Development Courtney Tolmie, Jean Arkedis 2015 other working papers Engendering Accountability: Upholding Commitments to Maternal and Newborn Health Global Health Visions NA 2015 other working papers Social Accountability: A Primer for Civil Society Organizations Working in Family Planning and Reproductive Health USAID Erin McGinn and Alyson Lipsky 2015 M&E tool Guide to Assessing Social Accountability Efforts Across Sectors RTI International Williamson, Taylor 2015 other working papers Engendering Accountability: Upholding Commitments to Maternal and Newborn Health Global Health Visions R. Sneeringer, S. Hurd, and K. Mehling 2015 M&E tool Proposed Indicators of Human Rights and Family Planning The Evidence Project: Population Council Kelsey Wright, Karen Hardee 2015 Project report/Case study Social Accountability – a primer for civil society organizations working in family planning and reproductive health USAID, Health Policy Plus project. Erin McGinn and Alyson Lipsky 2015 Project report/Case study Changing Lives Through Social Accountability World Vision NA 2015 Evaluation report Accountability in Local Service Delivery: The Tuungane Community Scorecard Approach Guillame Labrecque and Isatou Batonon NA 2015 Learning note What Next For Strategic Social Accountability? The Global Partnership for Social Accountability NA 2014 Learning note How are GPSA’s Partners Thinking About Scale and Trying to Achieve It The Global Partnership for Social Accountability Guerzovich,Maria Florencia
Poli,Maria2014 Review report Social accountability: What does the evidence really say? The Global Partnership for Social Accountability Jonathan Fox 2014 Project report/Case study Accelerating Progress in Family Planning: Options for Strengthening Civil Society-led Monitoring and Accountability Results for Development Robert Hecht, Caroline Poirrier, Courtney Tolmie, Mark Roland 2014 Evaluation report Information is Power Experimental Evidence on the Long-Run Impact of Community Based Monitoring World Bank Björkman Nyqvist, M, de Walque, D, and Svensson, J. 2014 other working papers The Role of Social Accountability in Improving Health Outcomes: Overview and Analysis of Selected International NGO Experiences to Advance the Field CORE Group, , USAID NA 2014 Review report Social Accountability: What are the Lessons for Improving Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs? A Review of the Literature The Evidence Project: Population Council Boydell, Victoria, and Jill Keesbury 2014 other working papers Strengthening the Evidence Base on Social Accountability for Improving Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs: Meeting Report The Evidence Project: Population Council NA 2014 Implementation tool/guideline Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) : Operation Manual The Global Partnership for Social Accountability NA 2013 Implementation tool/guideline The Community Score Card (CSC): A generic guide for implementing CARE’s CSC process to improve quality of services CARE NA 2013 Implementation tool/guideline Accountability and Transparency for Public Health Policy: Advancing Country Ownership Futures Group K.W. Slevin, C. Green 2013 other working papers USAID Strategy on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance USAID NA 2013 Implementation tool/guideline Sourcebook of 21 social accountability tools World Bank Bhattarai, Chiranjibi
Khadka, Kedar2012 Evaluation report Voice and Accountability: The Role of Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Committee BRAC RED, Bangladesh Margaret Leppard, Sarawat Rashid, Atiya Rahman, Mahmuda Akhter, Hashima-E-Nasreen 2011 Evaluation report Examining the links between accountability, trust and performance in health service delivery in Tanzania Ifakara Health Institute Macha J, Mushi H P and Borghi J 2011 Evaluation report COMPASS (Community Participation for Action in the Social Sector) End of Project Report USAID NA 2009 Evaluation report Measuring Change and Results in Voice and Accountability Work Department for International development Jeremy Holland and Allyson Thirkell with Emmanuel Trepanier and Lucy Earl 2009 Evaluation report A mixed-method approach to measuring empowerment in the context of social policy monitoring in Jamaica World Bank Brook, Simon Holland, Jeremy 2009 Implementation tool/guideline Partnership Defined Quality for Youth – A Process Manual for Improving Reproductive Health Services Through Youth-Provider Collaboration Save the Children NA 2008 Project report/Case study Case Study – CLAS Peru Future Generations L. Altobelli. 2008 Evaluation report Power to the People : Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment of a Community-Based Monitoring Project in Uganda World Bank Björkman, Martina; Svensson, Jakob. 2007 Implementation tool/guideline Citizen Report Card Surveys – A Note on the Concept and Methodolgy World Bank NA 2004 other working papers Social accountability, An Introduction to the Concept and Emerging Practice World Bank Malena, Carmen, with Reiner Forster and Janmejay Singh 2004 Implementation tool/guideline Partnership Defined Quality a tool book for community and health provider collaboration for quality improvement Save the Children Lovich, Ronnie, Marcie Rubardt, Debbie Fagan, and Mary Beth Powers 2003 Implementation tool/guideline Social Accountability Reporting Checklist for Practitioners (SAR4Practice) Template USAID NA NA Implementation tool/guideline Community Scorecard Manual: A Social Audit Tool to Monitor the Progress of VietNam’s Socio-Economic Development Plan Ministry of Planning and Investment and UNICEF NA NA Implementation tool/guideline Community-Driven Development Toolkit: Governance and Accountability Dimensions World Bank NA NA - Systematic Reviews
Title link Publication year Journal Authors Participation in primary health care through community-level health committees in Sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative synthesis 2022 BMC Public Health Karuga R, Kok M, Luitjens M, Mbindyo P, Broerse JEW, Dieleman M.Patient-public engagement strategies for health system improvement in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic scoping review 2021 BMC Health Serv Res Ankomah SE, Fusheini A, Ballard C, Kumah E, Gurung G, Derrett S.Social accountability for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health: A review of reviews 2020 PLoS One Squires F, Martin Hilber A, Cordero JP, Boydell V, Portela A, Lewis Sabin M, Steyn P.Methods to measure effects of social accountability interventions in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health programs: systematic review and critique 2020 J Health Popul Nutr Marston C, McGowan CR, Boydell V, Steyn P.Community participation in health services development, implementation, and evaluation: A systematic review of empowerment, health, community, and process outcomes 2019 PLoS One Haldane V, Chuah FLH, Srivastava A, Singh SR, Koh GCH, Seng CK, Legido-Quigley H.The impact of participatory budgeting on health and wellbeing: a scoping review of evaluations 2018 BMC Public Health Campbell M, Escobar O, Fenton C, Craig P.Improving social accountability processes in the health sector in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review 2018 BMC Public Health Danhoundo G, Nasiri K, Wiktorowicz ME.Community participation in general health initiatives in high and upper-middle income countries: A systematic review exploring the nature of participation, use of theories, contextual drivers and power relations in community participation 2018 Soc Sci Med Hoon Chuah FL, Srivastava A, Singh SR, Haldane V, Huat Koh GC, Seng CK, McCoy D, Legido-Quigley H.The role of Community Mobilization in maternal care provision for women in sub-Saharan Africa- A systematic review of studies using an experimental design 2017 BMC Pregnancy Childbirth Muzyamba C, Groot W, Tomini SM, Pavlova M.A review of CARE’s Community Score Card experience and evidence 2016 Health Policy Plan Gullo S, Galavotti C, Altman L.Synergies, strengths and challenges: findings on community capability from a systematic health systems research literature review 2016 BMC Health Serv Res George AS, Scott K, Mehra V, Sriram V.Understanding the black box: a systematic review of the measurement of the community mobilization process in evaluations of interventions targeting sexual, reproductive, and maternal health 2015 Eval Program Plann Altman L, Kuhlmann AK, Galavotti C.Community Participation in Health Systems Research: A Systematic Review Assessing the State of Research, the Nature of Interventions Involved and the Features of Engagement with Communities 2015 PLoS One George AS, Mehra V, Scott K, Sriram V.[Social participation and health in Brazil: a systematic review on the topic] 2014 Cien Saude Colet Paiva FS, Stralen CJ, Costa PH.Community engagement to enhance child survival and early development in low- and middle-income countries: an evidence review 2014 J Health Commun Farnsworth SK, Böse K, Fajobi O, Souza PP, Peniston A, Davidson LL, Griffiths M, Hodgins S.Effects of community participation on improving uptake of skilled care for maternal and newborn health: a systematic review 2013 PLoS One Marston C, Renedo A, McGowan CR, Portela A.A systematic review of the literature for evidence on health facility committees in low- and middle-income countries 2012 Health Policy Plan McCoy DC, Hall JA, Ridge M.A systematic review of COPC: evidence for effectiveness 2008 J Health Care Poor Underserved Gavagan T. - Primary Research Articles
Title link Publication year Journal Authors Social accountability as a strategy to promote sexual and reproductive health entitlements for stigmatized issues and populations 2022 Int J Equity Health Schaaf M, Arnott G, Chilufya KM, Khanna R, Khanal RC, Monga T, Otema C, Wegs C.Building social accountability to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health in Nigeria 2022 Int J Equity Health Robinson RS, Adams T.Self-reliance or social accountability? The raison d’être of community health committees in Nigeria 2022 Int J Health Plann Manage Abimbola S, Drabarek D, Molemodile SK.Community Participation in Primary Healthcare in the South Sudan Boma Health Initiative: A Document Analysis 2022 Int J Health Policy Manag Belaid L, Sarmiento I, Dimiti A, Andersson N.Implementing a Social Accountability Approach for Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health Service Performances in Ethiopia: A Pre-Post Study Design 2021 Glob Health Sci Pract Argaw MD, Fekadu BD, Mamo E, Abebe MG, Rogers D, Demelash A, Ayele AA, Reda Z, Tareke AS, Erfo AM, Wonjalo WW, Bele TA, Ayede A, Abebe LG.Evaluation of social accountability in hospital managers 2021 J Educ Health Promot Gorji HA, Niknam N, Ghaedchukamei Z, Gharavinia A, Safari M, Elahi M, Rahmati R, Mengelizadeh N, Aghaei N, Ghojogh HA, Shakeri K.The role of community participation in primary health care: practices of South African health committees 2021 Prim Health Care Res Dev Haricharan HJ, Stuttaford M, London L.From effectiveness to sustainability: understanding the impact of CARE’s Community Score Card© social accountability approach in Ntcheu, Malawi 2021 Health Policy Plan Mgoli Mwale P, Msiska T, Chinkhota K, Munthali T, Wako E, Rodriguez M, Laterra A, Shato T, Sebert Kuhlmann A.Strengthening social accountability in ways that build inclusion, institutionalization and scale: reflections on FHS experience 2020 Int J Equity Health Bennett S, Ekirapa-Kiracho E, Mahmood SS, Paina L, Peters DH.Can social accountability mechanisms using community scorecards improve quality of pediatric care in rural Cambodia? 2020 Int J Qual Health Care Edward A, Jung Y, Chhorvann C, Ghee AE, Chege J.Implementing social accountability for contraceptive services: lessons from Uganda 2020 BMC Womens Health Boydell V, Nulu N, Hardee K, Gay J.Adaptation and validation of social accountability measures in the context of contraceptive services in Ghana and Tanzania 2020 Int J Equity Health Boydell V, Steyn PS, Cordero JP, Habib N, Nguyen MH, Nai D, Shamba D.Influence of community scorecards on maternal and newborn health service delivery and utilization 2020 Int J Equity Health Kiracho EE, Namuhani N, Apolot RR, Aanyu C, Mutebi A, Tetui M, Kiwanuka SN, Ayen FA, Mwesige D, Bumbha A, Paina L, Peters DH.Rationale and design of a complex intervention measuring the impact and processes of social accountability applied to contraceptive programming: CaPSAI Project 2020 Gates Open Res Steyn PS, Boydell V, Cordero JP, McMullen H, Habib N, Nguyen TMH, Nai D, Shamba D, Kiarie J; CaPSAI Project.Can social accountability improve access to free public health care for the poor? Analysis of three Health Equity Fund configurations in Cambodia, 2015-17 2020 Health Policy Plan Jacobs B, Sam Oeun S, Ir P, Rifkin S, Van Damme W.A strategic approach to social accountability: Bwalo forums within the reproductive maternal and child health accountability ecosystem in Malawi 2020 BMC Health Serv Res Butler N, Johnson G, Chiweza A, Aung KM, Quinley J, Rogers K, Bedford J.Do community scorecards improve utilisation of health services in community clinics: experience from a rural area of Bangladesh 2020 Int J Equity Health Hanifi SMA, Hossain A, Chowdhury AH, Hoque S, Selim MA, Mahmood SS, Bhuiya A.Feasibility, acceptability and initial outcome of implementing community scorecard to monitor community level public health facilities: experience from rural Bangladesh 2020 Int J Equity Health Mahmood SS, Rasheed S, Chowdhury AH, Hossain A, Selim MA, Hoque S, Bhuiya A.Performance of Thailand’s universal health coverage scheme: Evaluating the effectiveness of annual public hearings 2020 Health Expect Kantamaturapoj K, Marshall AI, Chotchoungchatchai S, Kiewnin K, Patcharanarumol W, Tangcharoensathien V.Studying social accountability in the context of health system strengthening: innovations and considerations for future work 2019 Health Res Policy Syst Boydell V, McMullen H, Cordero J, Steyn P, Kiare J.“We come as friends”: approaches to social accountability by health committees in Northern Malawi 2019 BMC Health Serv Res Lodenstein E, Molenaar JM, Ingemann C, Botha K, Mkandawire JJ, Liem L, Broerse JEW, Dieleman M.Social Accountability in Maternal Health Services in the Far-Western Development Region in Nepal: An Exploratory Study 2019 Int J Health Policy Manag Hamal M, Heiter K, Schoenmakers L, Smid M, de Cock Buning T, De Brouwere V, Bardají A, Nepal C, Dieleman M.“It’s like these CHCs don’t exist, are they featured anywhere?”: Social network analysis of community health committees in a rural and urban setting in Kenya 2019 PLoS One Karuga RN, Kok M, Mbindyo P, Hilverda F, Otiso L, Kavoo D, Broerse J, Dieleman M.“We make a direct impact on people’s lives”: Youth empowerment in the context of a youth-led participatory budgeting project 2019 J Community Psychol Augsberger A, Gecker W, Collins ME.The health system accountability impact of prison health committees in Zambia 2018 Int J Equity Health Topp SM, Sharma A, Chileshe C, Magwende G, Henostroza G, Moonga CN.Informal social accountability in maternal health service delivery: A study in Northern Malawi 2018 PLoS One Lodenstein E, Ingemann C, Molenaar JM, Dieleman M, Broerse JEW.The challenges of institutionalizing community-level social accountability mechanisms for health and nutrition: a qualitative study in Odisha, India 2018 BMC Health Serv Res Feruglio F, Nisbett N.Using Health Committees to Promote Community Participation as a Social Determinant of the Right to Health: Lessons from Uganda and South Africa 2018 Health Hum Rights Mulumba M, London L, Nantaba J, Ngwena C.How does social accountability contribute to better maternal health outcomes? A qualitative study on perceived changes with government and civil society actors in Gujarat, India 2018 BMC Health Serv Res Hamal M, de Cock Buning T, De Brouwere V, Bardají A, Dieleman M.Closing the Gap between People and Programs: Lessons from Implementation of Social Accountability for Family Planning and Reproductive Health in Uganda 2018 Afr J Reprod Health Boydell V, Neema S, Wright K, Hardee K.Overcoming barriers to access and utilization of maternal, newborn and child health services in northern Nigeria: an evaluation of facility health committees 2018 BMC Health Serv Res Oguntunde O, Surajo IM, Dauda DS, Salihu A, Anas-Kolo S, Sinai I.Participatory approach to design social accountability interventions to improve maternal health services: a case study from the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2017 Glob Health Res Policy Mafuta EM, Dieleman MA, Essink L, Khomba PN, Zioko FM, Mambu TNM, Kayembe PK, de Cock Buning T.Beyond form and functioning: Understanding how contextual factors influence village health committees in northern India 2017 PLoS One Scott K, George AS, Harvey SA, Mondal S, Patel G, Ved R, Garimella S, Sheikh K.Effects of a social accountability approach, CARE’s Community Score Card, on reproductive health-related outcomes in Malawi: A cluster-randomized controlled evaluation 2017 PLoS One Gullo S, Galavotti C, Sebert Kuhlmann A, Msiska T, Hastings P, Marti CN.A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding Community Participation in Community Health Needs Assessments 2017 J Public Health Manag Pract Pennel CL, McLeroy KR, Burdine JN, Matarrita-Cascante D, Wang J.Negotiating power relations, gender equality, and collective agency: are village health committees transformative social spaces in northern India? 2017 Int J Equity Health Scott K, George AS, Harvey SA, Mondal S, Patel G, Sheikh K.Gauging the Effects of Social Accountability on Services, Governance, and Citizen Empowerment 2016 Public Administration Review Derick W. Brinkerhoff,Anna WetterbergScorecards and social accountability for improved maternal and newborn health services: A pilot in the Ashanti and Volta regions of Ghana 2016 Int J Gynaecol Obstet Blake C, Annorbah-Sarpei NA, Bailey C, Ismaila Y, Deganus S, Bosomprah S, Galli F, Clark S.Community participation in the decentralised district health systems in Tanzania: why do some health committees perform better than others? 2016 Int J Health Plann Manage Maluka SO, Bukagile G.Information, regulation and coordination: realist analysis of the efforts of community health committees to limit informal health care providers in Nigeria 2016 Health Econ Rev Abimbola S, Ogunsina K, Charles-Okoli AN, Negin J, Martiniuk AL, Jan S.Understanding the local context and its possible influences on shaping, implementing and running social accountability initiatives for maternal health services in rural Democratic Republic of the Congo: a contextual factor analysis 2016 BMC Health Serv Res Mafuta EM, Hogema L, Mambu TN, Kiyimbi PB, Indebe BP, Kayembe PK, De Cock Buning T, Dieleman MA.Developing citizen report cards for primary care: evidence from qualitative research in rural Tajikistan 2016 Health Policy Plan Bauhoff S, Tkacheva O, Rabinovich L, Bogdan O.Social accountability for maternal health services in Muanda and Bolenge Health Zones, Democratic Republic of Congo: a situation analysis 2015 BMC Health Serv Res Mafuta EM, Dieleman MA, Hogema LM, Khomba PN, Zioko FM, Kayembe PK, de Cock Buning T, Mambu TN.Between compliance and resistance: exploring discourses on family planning in Community Health Committees in Mozambique 2015 BMJ Open Capurchande RD, Coene G, Roelens K, Meulemans H.Enhancing governance and health system accountability for people centered healthcare: an exploratory study of community scorecards in Afghanistan 2015 BMC Health Serv Res Edward A, Osei-Bonsu K, Branchini C, Yarghal TS, Arwal SH, Naeem AJ.Effects of a community scorecard on improving the local health system in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: qualitative evidence using the most significant change technique 2015 Confl Health Ho LS, Labrecque G, Batonon I, Salsi V, Ratnayake R.Effects of quality improvement in health facilities and community mobilization through women’s groups on maternal, neonatal and perinatal mortality in three districts of Malawi: MaiKhanda, a cluster randomized controlled effectiveness trial 2013 Int Health Colbourn T, Nambiar B, Bondo A, Makwenda C, Tsetekani E, Makonda-Ridley A, Msukwa M, Barker P, Kotagal U, Williams C, Davies R, Webb D, Flatman D, Lewycka S, Rosato M, Kachale F, Mwansambo C, Costello A.A realist synthesis of the effect of social accountability interventions on health service providers’ and policymakers’ responsiveness 2013 Syst Rev Lodenstein E, Dieleman M, Gerretsen B, Broerse JE.Promoting community participation in priority setting in district health systems: experiences from Mbarali district, Tanzania 2013 Glob Health Action Kamuzora P, Maluka S, Ndawi B, Byskov J, Hurtig AK.Implementing community participation through legislative reform: a study of the policy framework for community participation in the Western Cape province of South Africa 2012 BMC Int Health Hum Rights Meier BM, Pardue C, London L.Community participation and voice mechanisms under performance-based financing schemes in Burundi 2012 Trop Med Int Health Falisse JB, Meessen B, Ndayishimiye J, Bossuyt M.Community advisory committees: drivers of consumer, carer, and community participation in Victoria’s public health services 2010 J Ambul Care Manage Mack L. Social audit of provincial health services: building the community voice into planning in South Africa 2004 J Interprof Care Andersson N, Matthis J, Paredes S, Ngxowa N.Service accountability and community participation in the context of health sector reforms in Asia: implications for sexual and reproductive health services 2004 Health Policy Plan Murthy RK, Klugman B.Community participation in local health boards in a decentralized setting: cases from the Philippines 2001 Health Policy Plan Ramiro LS, Castillo FA, Tan-Torres T, Torres CE, Tayag JG, Talampas RG, Hawken L.[Shared local health system management and community participation in Brazil] 2001 Cad Saude Publica Pessoto UC, Nascimento PR, Heimann LS.Partnerships, community participation and intersectoral collaboration in South Africa 2001 J Interprof Care el Ansari W, Phillips CJ.
Visit the sites of some of the leading experts in social accountability!

Global Partnership for Social Accountability GPSA is a global partnership platform of social accountability projects sponsored by the World Bank, that supports civil society and governments across the world to work together to solve critical governance challenges. The website provides case studies primarily from Africa, South Asia and Latin America, past events archives, learning notes for practitioners, and working papers. The GPSA also offers selected grants; a detailed application process with focused topics is available on the website. The World Bank developed the Citizen Report Card which is a SA strategy that uses feedback surveys to measure perceptions of the quality, efficiency and adequacy of public services.

Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health (COPASAH), established in 2011 in South Africa, is a community of organizations and practitioners, primarily from Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and Europe, that seeks to bridge the gap between knowledge and capacity to conduct social accountability and community monitoring. It facilitates the exchange of experiences and supports documentation and dissemination of lessons to promote community-centered practices. The website provides rich practical resources, including reports of capacity-building workshops, case studies, practitioners’ interview films, and tools.
Learn about some of the most widely used tools and approaches!
Read some of the evidence and recommendations generated and resources available over the past two decades:
Want to see more resources? Visit our repository by clicking on the tabs below.
Abbreviation | Institution Title | URL | Contact information | Description (what resources are available? region/topic focus?) |
COPAHSA | Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health | | | COPASAH, established in 2011 in South Africa, is a community of organizations and practitioners, primarily from Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and Europe, that seeks to bridge the gap between knowledge and capacity to conduct social accountability and community monitoring. It facilitates the exchange of experiences and supports documentation and dissemination of lessons to promote community-centered practices. The website provides rich practical resources, including reports of capacity-building workshops, case studies, practitioners’ interview films, and tools. |
GPSA | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | | | GPSA, based in Washington, DC, is a global partnership platform of social accountability projects sponsored by the World Bank, that aims to support civil society and governments across the world to work together to solve critical governance challenges. The website provides case studies primarily from Africa, South Asia and Latin America, past events archives, learning notes for practitioners, and working papers. The GPSA also offers selected grants; a detailed application process with focused topics is available on the website. |
ARC | Accountability Research Center | | | ARC, based in American University’s School of International Service, is a research center seeking to bridge research and frontline perspectives to learn from ideas, institutions, and actors that advance strategies to improve public accountability. The website provides a database of publications (e.g., working reports, evaluation reports, blogs with grounded experiences) and featured case studies from Columbia, the Philippines, and Bangladesh. |
CSEM | Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 | | | CSEM is the civil society constituent of UHC2030 (formerly the International Health Partnership, IHP+), which aims to achieve inclusive and equitable Universal Health Coverage (UHC) policies through strengthened citizen-led and social accountability mechanisms at sub-national, national, regional, and global levels. The website provides an e-library for webinar archives and reports, and advocacy toolkits (in English / French / Spanish) with a topic focus on UHC. |
Page title | Institution Title | URL |
Resources – Accountability & Citizen Engagement | Results For Development (R4D) | |
How we work – Accountability & Citizen Engagement | Results For Development (R4D) | |
Our work – Social Accountability | USAID – Health Evaluation and Applied Research Development (HEARD) Project | |
Health Finance & Governance Project | USAID – Health Finance & Governance Project | |
High Impact Practice Briefs > Social Accountability | Family Planning High Impact Practices (HIPs) | |
Improvement Strategies – System – Social Accountability | Primary Health Care Performance Initiative (PHCPI) | |
The Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) | Institute of Development Studies (IDs) | |
Rights and Accountability | Population Council – The Evidence Project | |
Community Score Card© (CSC) | CARE | |
Improving the Linkages between Social Accountability and Social and Behavior Change | Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator | |
Advocacy and accountability | Options | |
Decentralization and local good governance, ensuring development in line with the needs of communities | Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation | |
Social Accountability Approach, Citizen Voice and Action | World Vision | |
Child Rights Governance | Save the Children – Child Right Resource Center | |
Accountability | Partnership for Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health (PMNCH) | |
Community engagement & Social mobilisation | UNICEF – Communication for Development (C4D) | |
Citizen Report Card (CRC) Learning Toolkit | Public Affairs Centre (PAC) | |
SPARK (Strengthening Public Accountability for Results and Knowledge) | International Budget Partnership | |
Promoting Social Accountability to Empower Local-level Community for Improved Service Delivery and Democratic Governance in East Africa | United Nations (UN) – The Partnership Platform for SDGs |
Implementation tool/guideline | Title | Publisher/Institution | Authors | Publication year | URL |
Review report | Social Audits in Service Delivery: An Annotated Bibliography | Open Government Partnership and Accountability Research Center | Suchi Pande | 2022 | |
Evaluation report | Citizen Voice and Action Effectiveness Study Report 2022- World Vision Bangladesh | World Vision | NA | 2022 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Manual on Social Accountability: Concepts and Tools New Delhi, India: Centre for Budget and Governance Accountabilit | CBGA | Kohli, Divya Singh | 2021 | |
Review report | Community Monitoring For Accountability in Health: Review of Literature | the Accountability and Monitoring in Health Initiative (AMHI) of the Open Society’s Public Health Program (PHP) | Walter Flores | 2021 | |
Evaluation report | Bottom-up Accountability in Uganda: Learning from People-centered, Multi-level Health Advocacy Campaigns | Accountability Research Center | Angela Bailey and Vincent Mujune, with a preface by Prima Kazoora | 2021 | |
Evaluation report | Assessing the National System for Social Accountability in Health: Applying an Assessment Tool to Measure Maturity and Performance of National Social Accountability Systems in Health: Results of a Pilot Study in Rwanda and Malawi | University Research Corp. (URC) Women Influencing Health, Education, and Rule of Law (WI-HER), LLC City University of New York Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy (CUNY SPH) |
Foster, Allison Annette Msiska, Thumbiko Wachizma Havugimana, Cassien Martin Hilber, Adriane |
2021 | |
Project report/Case study | Mobilizing Domestic Funding for Reproductive Health in Kenya’s Counties: A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO BUDGET ADVOCACY AND SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY | Population Reference Bureau, Inc. (PRB) | Dennis Mwambi | 2021 | |
Review report | THE POWER OF YOUTH VOICES How Youth Are Holding Their Health Systems Accountable for Family Planning and Reproductive Health | USAID/Jhpiego, MOMENTUM | NA | 2021 | |
other working papers | Community Score Card Project Brief | CARE | NA | 2021 | |
Project report/Case study | Community Score Card Case Study: Evolution to Scale | CARE | NA | 2021 | |
Project report/Case study | Community Scorecard for COVID-19 Vaccines in Malawi | CARE | NA | 2021 | |
Project report/Case study | C4D Works!: Spot it! Stop it! – Changing attitudes and behaviours related to violence against children in Kenya | UNICEF | NA | 2021 | |
Evaluation report | CAPSAI: Community and provider- driven social accountability intervention for family planning and contraceptive service provision: experiences from the field | WHO | NA | 2021 | |
Evaluation report | Transparency for Development – Results and Implications | Transparency for Development | Jessica Creighton, Jean Arkedis, Archon Fung, Stephen Kosack, Dan Levy & Courtney Tolmie; | 2021 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Integrating Accountability to Affected People into Country Office Planning Cycles -Summary guidelines | UNICEF | NA | 2020 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Government-led Community Score Card© for Family Planning Services | CARE | NA | 2020 | |
Learning note | In Brief: Evidence on the role of social accountability in advancing women, children, and adolescents’ health | Global Health Visions | NA | 2020 | |
Project report/Case study | Improving Linkages between Social Accountability and Social and Behavior Change | Results for Development | NA | 2020 | |
Project report/Case study | A Journey through the Community Score Card in Malawi | CARE | NA | 2020 | |
Project report/Case study | C4D Works!: Addressing GBV-related social and gender norms in Somalia | UNICEF | NA | 2020 | |
Project report/Case study | C4D Works!: Community engagement to end female genital mutilation in the State of Eritrea | UNICEF | NA | 2020 | |
Evaluation report | Insights from Transparency and Accountability Action Plans in Indonesia and Tanzania | Transparency for Development | Jessica Creighton, Jean Arkedis, Archon Fung, Stephen Kosack, Dan Levy & Courtney Tolmie | 2020 | |
Evaluation report | Reinforcing social accountability in health services in Sud Kivu and Kongo Central provinces | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | Jean Benoît Falisse, with Eric Mafuta and Philémon Mulongo | 2019 | |
Project report/Case study | Setting the Stage for Increased Accountability: The White Ribbon Alliance Nigeria Campaign to Improve Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Niger State | Accountability Research Center and White Ribbon Alliance | Rachel Sullivan Robinson | 2019 | |
Project report/Case study | Measuring the benefits to the communities they serve – The social return on investment of community accountability mechanisms for health |
The Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Programme in Northern Nigeria (MNCH2) |
NA | 2019 | |
Evaluation report | Impact Report 2018-2019 – E4A-MamaYe | E4A-MamaYe | NA | 2019 | |
Learning note | How can a rethink of lessons from field experiments inform future research in transparency, participation, and accountability? | International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) | Jonathan Fox | 2019 | |
Project report/Case study | Round Table on Social Accountability Malawi, September 2018: Report and Suggestions Moving Forward | MCSP, USAID | Angela Bailey | 2019 | |
M&E tool | Monitoring and Evaluation of Evolving Social Accountability Efforts in Health – A Literature Synthesis | MCSP, USAID | Ligia Paina, Julie Saracino, Jessica Bishai, Eric Sarriot | 2019 | |
Project report/Case study | Case Study: Commitment from Facility Management Committees Improves Quality of Health Services | CARE | NA | 2019 | |
Project report/Case study | Technical Brief: Communities Support Health Facilities in Sierra Leone | CARE | NA | 2019 | |
Project report/Case study | The Motion Tracker – Driving Accountability, Action, and Achievement | USAID, Health Policy Plus project. | NA | 2019 | |
Evaluation report | Scaling Social Accountability: Evidence from Asia, Africa and the Caucasus | World Vision | NA | 2019 | |
Evaluation report | Community-Provider Partnerships for Quality Improvement in Rwanda | USAID, TWUBAKANE – Decentralization and Health Program Rwanda |
NA | 2019 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Fostering Joint Accountability Within Health Systems Training Curriculum, Guidance for a Participatory Assessment of Accountability Linkages, and Action Steps for Advocates | USAID, Health Policy Plus project. | NA | 2018 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Citizen Voice & Action Field Guide | World Vision | NA | 2018 | |
Evaluation report | Citizen Voice and Action for Government Accountability and Improved Services : Maternal, Newborn, Infant and Child Health Services : Final Evaluation Report | Community Matters | Daniel Ball, Gill Westhorp | 2018 | |
Project report/Case study | Learning to Sustain Change: Mitanin Community Health Workers Promote Public Accountability in India | Accountability Research Center | Samir Garg and Suchi Pande | 2018 | |
Project report/Case study | How Can Evidence Bolster Citizen Action? Learning and Adapting for Accountable Public Health in Guatemala | Accountability Research Center, CEGSS | Walter Flores | 2018 | |
Evaluation report | Evidence 4 Change: Citizen Voice and Action model | World Vision | NA | 2018 | |
Review report | Two Promising Social Accountability Approaches to Improve Health in Malawi: Community Score Cards, and National Health Budget Consultation, Analysis and Advocacy | MCSP, USAID | Tanvi Monga, David Shanklin | 2018 | |
Project report/Case study | Citizens Voice and Influence for Nutrition Service Delivery in Turkana Kenya | World Vision | NA | 2018 | |
Evaluation report | Citizen Voice and Action for Government Accountability and Improved Services: Maternal, Newborn, Infant and Child Health Services | Community Matters | NA | 2018 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Social Accountability Resources and Tools | MCSP, USAID | Sandra Wilcox, David Shanklin | 2017 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Rights-Based Family Planning: 15 Resources to Guide Programming | The Evidence Project: Population Council | NA | 2017 | |
other working papers | Monitoring Corruption and Anti-Corruption in the SDGs: A Resource Guide | Transparency International | NA | 2017 | |
Review report | Civil Society Involvement in Family Planning: A Review of Global Programming and Evidence | The Evidence Project: Population Council | NA | 2017 | |
Evaluation report | Citizen Voices, Community Solutions: Designing Better Transparency and Accountability Approaches to Improve Health | Transparency for Development | NA | 2017 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Guidance for Pairing SAA with Community Score Card | CARE | NA | 2016 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Social accountability – A practitioner’s handbook Basel Institute on Governance | Switzerland: Basel Institute on Governance | Baez Camargo, Claudia, and Franziska Stahl | 2016 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | GOVERNANCE AND SERVICE DELIVERY – Practical Applications of Social Accountability Across Sectors | RTI International | Anna Wetterberg, Derick W. Brinkerhoff, and Jana C. Hertz | 2016 | |
Project report/Case study | Knowledge Brief: A Review of Social Accountability Approaches in Health in Tanzania | Options | NA | 2016 | |
Evaluation report | SSDI- Services Activities Performance Evaluation | USAID | NA | 2016 | |
Evaluation report | Baseline Report Transparency for development (T4D) | Transparency for Development | NA | 2016 | |
Evaluation report | Global Partnership for Social Accountability : Program Evaluation : Final Report | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | Mark Robinson | 2015 | |
Project report/Case study | The Transparency for Development Initiative | Results for Development | Courtney Tolmie, Jean Arkedis | 2015 | |
other working papers | Engendering Accountability: Upholding Commitments to Maternal and Newborn Health | Global Health Visions | NA | 2015 | |
other working papers | Social Accountability: A Primer for Civil Society Organizations Working in Family Planning and Reproductive Health | USAID | Erin McGinn and Alyson Lipsky | 2015 | |
M&E tool | Guide to Assessing Social Accountability Efforts Across Sectors | RTI International | Williamson, Taylor | 2015 | |
other working papers | Engendering Accountability: Upholding Commitments to Maternal and Newborn Health | Global Health Visions | R. Sneeringer, S. Hurd, and K. Mehling | 2015 | |
M&E tool | Proposed Indicators of Human Rights and Family Planning | The Evidence Project: Population Council | Kelsey Wright, Karen Hardee | 2015 | |
Project report/Case study | Social Accountability – a primer for civil society organizations working in family planning and reproductive health | USAID, Health Policy Plus project. | Erin McGinn and Alyson Lipsky | 2015 | |
Project report/Case study | Changing Lives Through Social Accountability | World Vision | NA | 2015 | |
Evaluation report | Accountability in Local Service Delivery: The Tuungane Community Scorecard Approach | Guillame Labrecque and Isatou Batonon | NA | 2015 | |
Learning note | What Next For Strategic Social Accountability? | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | NA | 2014 | |
Learning note | How are GPSA’s Partners Thinking About Scale and Trying to Achieve It | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | Guerzovich,Maria Florencia Poli,Maria |
2014 | |
Review report | Social accountability: What does the evidence really say? | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | Jonathan Fox | 2014 | |
Project report/Case study | Accelerating Progress in Family Planning: Options for Strengthening Civil Society-led Monitoring and Accountability | Results for Development | Robert Hecht, Caroline Poirrier, Courtney Tolmie, Mark Roland | 2014 | |
Evaluation report | Information is Power Experimental Evidence on the Long-Run Impact of Community Based Monitoring | World Bank | Björkman Nyqvist, M, de Walque, D, and Svensson, J. | 2014 | |
other working papers | The Role of Social Accountability in Improving Health Outcomes: Overview and Analysis of Selected International NGO Experiences to Advance the Field | CORE Group, , USAID | NA | 2014 | |
Review report | Social Accountability: What are the Lessons for Improving Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs? A Review of the Literature | The Evidence Project: Population Council | Boydell, Victoria, and Jill Keesbury | 2014 | |
other working papers | Strengthening the Evidence Base on Social Accountability for Improving Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs: Meeting Report | The Evidence Project: Population Council | NA | 2014 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) : Operation Manual | The Global Partnership for Social Accountability | NA | 2013 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | The Community Score Card (CSC): A generic guide for implementing CARE’s CSC process to improve quality of services | CARE | NA | 2013 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Accountability and Transparency for Public Health Policy: Advancing Country Ownership | Futures Group | K.W. Slevin, C. Green | 2013 | |
other working papers | USAID Strategy on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance | USAID | NA | 2013 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Sourcebook of 21 social accountability tools | World Bank | Bhattarai, Chiranjibi Khadka, Kedar |
2012 | |
Evaluation report | Voice and Accountability: The Role of Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Committee | BRAC RED, Bangladesh | Margaret Leppard, Sarawat Rashid, Atiya Rahman, Mahmuda Akhter, Hashima-E-Nasreen | 2011 | |
Evaluation report | Examining the links between accountability, trust and performance in health service delivery in Tanzania | Ifakara Health Institute | Macha J, Mushi H P and Borghi J | 2011 | |
Evaluation report | COMPASS (Community Participation for Action in the Social Sector) End of Project Report | USAID | NA | 2009 | |
Evaluation report | Measuring Change and Results in Voice and Accountability Work | Department for International development | Jeremy Holland and Allyson Thirkell with Emmanuel Trepanier and Lucy Earl | 2009 | |
Evaluation report | A mixed-method approach to measuring empowerment in the context of social policy monitoring in Jamaica | World Bank | Brook, Simon Holland, Jeremy | 2009 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Partnership Defined Quality for Youth – A Process Manual for Improving Reproductive Health Services Through Youth-Provider Collaboration | Save the Children | NA | 2008 | |
Project report/Case study | Case Study – CLAS Peru | Future Generations | L. Altobelli. | 2008 | |
Evaluation report | Power to the People : Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment of a Community-Based Monitoring Project in Uganda | World Bank | Björkman, Martina; Svensson, Jakob. | 2007 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Citizen Report Card Surveys – A Note on the Concept and Methodolgy | World Bank | NA | 2004 | |
other working papers | Social accountability, An Introduction to the Concept and Emerging Practice | World Bank | Malena, Carmen, with Reiner Forster and Janmejay Singh | 2004 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Partnership Defined Quality a tool book for community and health provider collaboration for quality improvement | Save the Children | Lovich, Ronnie, Marcie Rubardt, Debbie Fagan, and Mary Beth Powers | 2003 | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Social Accountability Reporting Checklist for Practitioners (SAR4Practice) Template | USAID | NA | NA | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Community Scorecard Manual: A Social Audit Tool to Monitor the Progress of VietNam’s Socio-Economic Development Plan | Ministry of Planning and Investment and UNICEF | NA | NA | |
Implementation tool/guideline | Community-Driven Development Toolkit: Governance and Accountability Dimensions | World Bank | NA | NA |
Title | link | Publication year | Journal | Authors |
Participation in primary health care through community-level health committees in Sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative synthesis | | 2022 | BMC Public Health |
Karuga R, Kok M, Luitjens M, Mbindyo P, Broerse JEW, Dieleman M.
Patient-public engagement strategies for health system improvement in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic scoping review | | 2021 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Ankomah SE, Fusheini A, Ballard C, Kumah E, Gurung G, Derrett S.
Social accountability for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health: A review of reviews | | 2020 | PLoS One |
Squires F, Martin Hilber A, Cordero JP, Boydell V, Portela A, Lewis Sabin M, Steyn P.
Methods to measure effects of social accountability interventions in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health programs: systematic review and critique | | 2020 | J Health Popul Nutr |
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Community participation in health services development, implementation, and evaluation: A systematic review of empowerment, health, community, and process outcomes | | 2019 | PLoS One |
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The impact of participatory budgeting on health and wellbeing: a scoping review of evaluations | | 2018 | BMC Public Health |
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Improving social accountability processes in the health sector in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review | | 2018 | BMC Public Health |
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Community participation in general health initiatives in high and upper-middle income countries: A systematic review exploring the nature of participation, use of theories, contextual drivers and power relations in community participation | | 2018 | Soc Sci Med |
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The role of Community Mobilization in maternal care provision for women in sub-Saharan Africa- A systematic review of studies using an experimental design | | 2017 | BMC Pregnancy Childbirth |
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A review of CARE’s Community Score Card experience and evidence | | 2016 | Health Policy Plan |
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Synergies, strengths and challenges: findings on community capability from a systematic health systems research literature review | | 2016 | BMC Health Serv Res |
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Understanding the black box: a systematic review of the measurement of the community mobilization process in evaluations of interventions targeting sexual, reproductive, and maternal health | | 2015 | Eval Program Plann |
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Social accountability as a strategy to promote sexual and reproductive health entitlements for stigmatized issues and populations | | 2022 | Int J Equity Health |
Schaaf M, Arnott G, Chilufya KM, Khanna R, Khanal RC, Monga T, Otema C, Wegs C.
Building social accountability to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health in Nigeria | | 2022 | Int J Equity Health |
Robinson RS, Adams T.
Self-reliance or social accountability? The raison d’être of community health committees in Nigeria | | 2022 | Int J Health Plann Manage |
Abimbola S, Drabarek D, Molemodile SK.
Community Participation in Primary Healthcare in the South Sudan Boma Health Initiative: A Document Analysis | | 2022 | Int J Health Policy Manag |
Belaid L, Sarmiento I, Dimiti A, Andersson N.
Implementing a Social Accountability Approach for Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health Service Performances in Ethiopia: A Pre-Post Study Design | | 2021 | Glob Health Sci Pract |
Argaw MD, Fekadu BD, Mamo E, Abebe MG, Rogers D, Demelash A, Ayele AA, Reda Z, Tareke AS, Erfo AM, Wonjalo WW, Bele TA, Ayede A, Abebe LG.
Evaluation of social accountability in hospital managers | | 2021 | J Educ Health Promot |
Gorji HA, Niknam N, Ghaedchukamei Z, Gharavinia A, Safari M, Elahi M, Rahmati R, Mengelizadeh N, Aghaei N, Ghojogh HA, Shakeri K.
The role of community participation in primary health care: practices of South African health committees | | 2021 | Prim Health Care Res Dev |
Haricharan HJ, Stuttaford M, London L.
From effectiveness to sustainability: understanding the impact of CARE’s Community Score Card© social accountability approach in Ntcheu, Malawi | | 2021 | Health Policy Plan |
Mgoli Mwale P, Msiska T, Chinkhota K, Munthali T, Wako E, Rodriguez M, Laterra A, Shato T, Sebert Kuhlmann A.
Strengthening social accountability in ways that build inclusion, institutionalization and scale: reflections on FHS experience | | 2020 | Int J Equity Health |
Bennett S, Ekirapa-Kiracho E, Mahmood SS, Paina L, Peters DH.
Can social accountability mechanisms using community scorecards improve quality of pediatric care in rural Cambodia? | | 2020 | Int J Qual Health Care |
Edward A, Jung Y, Chhorvann C, Ghee AE, Chege J.
Implementing social accountability for contraceptive services: lessons from Uganda | | 2020 | BMC Womens Health |
Boydell V, Nulu N, Hardee K, Gay J.
Adaptation and validation of social accountability measures in the context of contraceptive services in Ghana and Tanzania | | 2020 | Int J Equity Health |
Boydell V, Steyn PS, Cordero JP, Habib N, Nguyen MH, Nai D, Shamba D.
Influence of community scorecards on maternal and newborn health service delivery and utilization | | 2020 | Int J Equity Health |
Kiracho EE, Namuhani N, Apolot RR, Aanyu C, Mutebi A, Tetui M, Kiwanuka SN, Ayen FA, Mwesige D, Bumbha A, Paina L, Peters DH.
Rationale and design of a complex intervention measuring the impact and processes of social accountability applied to contraceptive programming: CaPSAI Project | | 2020 | Gates Open Res |
Steyn PS, Boydell V, Cordero JP, McMullen H, Habib N, Nguyen TMH, Nai D, Shamba D, Kiarie J; CaPSAI Project.
Can social accountability improve access to free public health care for the poor? Analysis of three Health Equity Fund configurations in Cambodia, 2015-17 | | 2020 | Health Policy Plan |
Jacobs B, Sam Oeun S, Ir P, Rifkin S, Van Damme W.
A strategic approach to social accountability: Bwalo forums within the reproductive maternal and child health accountability ecosystem in Malawi | | 2020 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Butler N, Johnson G, Chiweza A, Aung KM, Quinley J, Rogers K, Bedford J.
Do community scorecards improve utilisation of health services in community clinics: experience from a rural area of Bangladesh | | 2020 | Int J Equity Health |
Hanifi SMA, Hossain A, Chowdhury AH, Hoque S, Selim MA, Mahmood SS, Bhuiya A.
Feasibility, acceptability and initial outcome of implementing community scorecard to monitor community level public health facilities: experience from rural Bangladesh | | 2020 | Int J Equity Health |
Mahmood SS, Rasheed S, Chowdhury AH, Hossain A, Selim MA, Hoque S, Bhuiya A.
Performance of Thailand’s universal health coverage scheme: Evaluating the effectiveness of annual public hearings | | 2020 | Health Expect |
Kantamaturapoj K, Marshall AI, Chotchoungchatchai S, Kiewnin K, Patcharanarumol W, Tangcharoensathien V.
Studying social accountability in the context of health system strengthening: innovations and considerations for future work | | 2019 | Health Res Policy Syst |
Boydell V, McMullen H, Cordero J, Steyn P, Kiare J.
“We come as friends”: approaches to social accountability by health committees in Northern Malawi | | 2019 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Lodenstein E, Molenaar JM, Ingemann C, Botha K, Mkandawire JJ, Liem L, Broerse JEW, Dieleman M.
Social Accountability in Maternal Health Services in the Far-Western Development Region in Nepal: An Exploratory Study | | 2019 | Int J Health Policy Manag |
Hamal M, Heiter K, Schoenmakers L, Smid M, de Cock Buning T, De Brouwere V, Bardají A, Nepal C, Dieleman M.
“It’s like these CHCs don’t exist, are they featured anywhere?”: Social network analysis of community health committees in a rural and urban setting in Kenya | | 2019 | PLoS One |
Karuga RN, Kok M, Mbindyo P, Hilverda F, Otiso L, Kavoo D, Broerse J, Dieleman M.
“We make a direct impact on people’s lives”: Youth empowerment in the context of a youth-led participatory budgeting project | | 2019 | J Community Psychol |
Augsberger A, Gecker W, Collins ME.
The health system accountability impact of prison health committees in Zambia | | 2018 | Int J Equity Health |
Topp SM, Sharma A, Chileshe C, Magwende G, Henostroza G, Moonga CN.
Informal social accountability in maternal health service delivery: A study in Northern Malawi | | 2018 | PLoS One |
Lodenstein E, Ingemann C, Molenaar JM, Dieleman M, Broerse JEW.
The challenges of institutionalizing community-level social accountability mechanisms for health and nutrition: a qualitative study in Odisha, India | | 2018 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Feruglio F, Nisbett N.
Using Health Committees to Promote Community Participation as a Social Determinant of the Right to Health: Lessons from Uganda and South Africa | | 2018 | Health Hum Rights |
Mulumba M, London L, Nantaba J, Ngwena C.
How does social accountability contribute to better maternal health outcomes? A qualitative study on perceived changes with government and civil society actors in Gujarat, India | | 2018 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Hamal M, de Cock Buning T, De Brouwere V, Bardají A, Dieleman M.
Closing the Gap between People and Programs: Lessons from Implementation of Social Accountability for Family Planning and Reproductive Health in Uganda | | 2018 | Afr J Reprod Health |
Boydell V, Neema S, Wright K, Hardee K.
Overcoming barriers to access and utilization of maternal, newborn and child health services in northern Nigeria: an evaluation of facility health committees | | 2018 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Oguntunde O, Surajo IM, Dauda DS, Salihu A, Anas-Kolo S, Sinai I.
Participatory approach to design social accountability interventions to improve maternal health services: a case study from the Democratic Republic of the Congo | | 2017 | Glob Health Res Policy |
Mafuta EM, Dieleman MA, Essink L, Khomba PN, Zioko FM, Mambu TNM, Kayembe PK, de Cock Buning T.
Beyond form and functioning: Understanding how contextual factors influence village health committees in northern India | | 2017 | PLoS One |
Scott K, George AS, Harvey SA, Mondal S, Patel G, Ved R, Garimella S, Sheikh K.
Effects of a social accountability approach, CARE’s Community Score Card, on reproductive health-related outcomes in Malawi: A cluster-randomized controlled evaluation | | 2017 | PLoS One |
Gullo S, Galavotti C, Sebert Kuhlmann A, Msiska T, Hastings P, Marti CN.
A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding Community Participation in Community Health Needs Assessments | | 2017 | J Public Health Manag Pract |
Pennel CL, McLeroy KR, Burdine JN, Matarrita-Cascante D, Wang J.
Negotiating power relations, gender equality, and collective agency: are village health committees transformative social spaces in northern India? | | 2017 | Int J Equity Health |
Scott K, George AS, Harvey SA, Mondal S, Patel G, Sheikh K.
Gauging the Effects of Social Accountability on Services, Governance, and Citizen Empowerment | | 2016 | Public Administration Review |
Derick W. Brinkerhoff,Anna Wetterberg
Scorecards and social accountability for improved maternal and newborn health services: A pilot in the Ashanti and Volta regions of Ghana | | 2016 | Int J Gynaecol Obstet |
Blake C, Annorbah-Sarpei NA, Bailey C, Ismaila Y, Deganus S, Bosomprah S, Galli F, Clark S.
Community participation in the decentralised district health systems in Tanzania: why do some health committees perform better than others? | | 2016 | Int J Health Plann Manage |
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Information, regulation and coordination: realist analysis of the efforts of community health committees to limit informal health care providers in Nigeria | | 2016 | Health Econ Rev |
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Understanding the local context and its possible influences on shaping, implementing and running social accountability initiatives for maternal health services in rural Democratic Republic of the Congo: a contextual factor analysis | | 2016 | BMC Health Serv Res |
Mafuta EM, Hogema L, Mambu TN, Kiyimbi PB, Indebe BP, Kayembe PK, De Cock Buning T, Dieleman MA.
Developing citizen report cards for primary care: evidence from qualitative research in rural Tajikistan | | 2016 | Health Policy Plan |
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Social accountability for maternal health services in Muanda and Bolenge Health Zones, Democratic Republic of Congo: a situation analysis | | 2015 | BMC Health Serv Res |
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Between compliance and resistance: exploring discourses on family planning in Community Health Committees in Mozambique | | 2015 | BMJ Open |
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Enhancing governance and health system accountability for people centered healthcare: an exploratory study of community scorecards in Afghanistan | | 2015 | BMC Health Serv Res |
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Effects of a community scorecard on improving the local health system in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: qualitative evidence using the most significant change technique | | 2015 | Confl Health |
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Effects of quality improvement in health facilities and community mobilization through women’s groups on maternal, neonatal and perinatal mortality in three districts of Malawi: MaiKhanda, a cluster randomized controlled effectiveness trial | | 2013 | Int Health |
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A realist synthesis of the effect of social accountability interventions on health service providers’ and policymakers’ responsiveness | | 2013 | Syst Rev |
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Promoting community participation in priority setting in district health systems: experiences from Mbarali district, Tanzania | | 2013 | Glob Health Action |
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Implementing community participation through legislative reform: a study of the policy framework for community participation in the Western Cape province of South Africa | | 2012 | BMC Int Health Hum Rights |
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Community participation and voice mechanisms under performance-based financing schemes in Burundi | | 2012 | Trop Med Int Health |
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- Key Groups
Abbreviation Institution Title URL Contact information Description (what resources are available? region/topic focus?) COPAHSA Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health COPASAH, established in 2011 in South Africa, is a community of organizations and practitioners, primarily from Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and Europe, that seeks to bridge the gap between knowledge and capacity to conduct social accountability and community monitoring. It facilitates the exchange of experiences and supports documentation and dissemination of lessons to promote community-centered practices. The website provides rich practical resources, including reports of capacity-building workshops, case studies, practitioners’ interview films, and tools. GPSA The Global Partnership for Social Accountability GPSA, based in Washington, DC, is a global partnership platform of social accountability projects sponsored by the World Bank, that aims to support civil society and governments across the world to work together to solve critical governance challenges.
The website provides case studies primarily from Africa, South Asia and Latin America, past events archives, learning notes for practitioners, and working papers. The GPSA also offers selected grants; a detailed application process with focused topics is available on the website.ARC Accountability Research Center ARC, based in American University’s School of International Service, is a research center seeking to bridge research and frontline perspectives to learn from ideas, institutions, and actors that advance strategies to improve public accountability. The website provides a database of publications (e.g., working reports, evaluation reports, blogs with grounded experiences) and featured case studies from Columbia, the Philippines, and Bangladesh. CSEM Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 CSEM is the civil society constituent of UHC2030 (formerly the International Health Partnership, IHP+), which aims to achieve inclusive and equitable Universal Health Coverage (UHC) policies through strengthened citizen-led and social accountability mechanisms at sub-national, national, regional, and global levels. The website provides an e-library for webinar archives and reports, and advocacy toolkits (in English / French / Spanish) with a topic focus on UHC. - Approaches
Page title Institution Title URL Resources – Accountability & Citizen Engagement Results For Development (R4D) How we work – Accountability & Citizen Engagement Results For Development (R4D) Our work – Social Accountability USAID – Health Evaluation and Applied Research Development (HEARD) Project Health Finance & Governance Project USAID – Health Finance & Governance Project High Impact Practice Briefs > Social Accountability Family Planning High Impact Practices (HIPs) Improvement Strategies – System – Social Accountability Primary Health Care Performance Initiative (PHCPI) The Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) Institute of Development Studies (IDs) Rights and Accountability Population Council – The Evidence Project Community Score Card© (CSC) CARE Improving the Linkages between Social Accountability and Social and Behavior Change Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator Advocacy and accountability Options Decentralization and local good governance, ensuring development in line with the needs of communities Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Social Accountability Approach, Citizen Voice and Action World Vision Child Rights Governance Save the Children – Child Right Resource Center Accountability Partnership for Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health (PMNCH) Community engagement & Social mobilisation UNICEF – Communication for Development (C4D) Citizen Report Card (CRC) Learning Toolkit Public Affairs Centre (PAC) SPARK (Strengthening Public Accountability for Results and Knowledge) International Budget Partnership Promoting Social Accountability to Empower Local-level Community for Improved Service Delivery and Democratic Governance in East Africa United Nations (UN) – The Partnership Platform for SDGs - Literature
Implementation tool/guideline Title Publisher/Institution Authors Publication year URL Review report Social Audits in Service Delivery: An Annotated Bibliography Open Government Partnership and Accountability Research Center Suchi Pande 2022 Evaluation report Citizen Voice and Action Effectiveness Study Report 2022- World Vision Bangladesh World Vision NA 2022 Implementation tool/guideline Manual on Social Accountability: Concepts and Tools New Delhi, India: Centre for Budget and Governance Accountabilit CBGA Kohli, Divya Singh 2021 Review report Community Monitoring For Accountability in Health: Review of Literature the Accountability and Monitoring in Health Initiative (AMHI) of the Open Society’s Public Health Program (PHP) Walter Flores 2021 Evaluation report Bottom-up Accountability in Uganda: Learning from People-centered, Multi-level Health Advocacy Campaigns Accountability Research Center Angela Bailey and Vincent Mujune, with a preface by Prima Kazoora 2021 Evaluation report Assessing the National System for Social Accountability in Health: Applying an Assessment Tool to Measure Maturity and Performance of National Social Accountability Systems in Health: Results of a Pilot Study in Rwanda and Malawi University Research Corp. (URC)
Women Influencing Health, Education, and Rule of Law (WI-HER), LLC
City University of New York Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy (CUNY SPH)Foster, Allison Annette
Msiska, Thumbiko Wachizma
Havugimana, Cassien
Martin Hilber, Adriane2021 Project report/Case study Mobilizing Domestic Funding for Reproductive Health in Kenya’s Counties: A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO BUDGET ADVOCACY AND SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY Population Reference Bureau, Inc. (PRB) Dennis Mwambi 2021 Review report THE POWER OF YOUTH VOICES How Youth Are Holding Their Health Systems Accountable for Family Planning and Reproductive Health USAID/Jhpiego, MOMENTUM NA 2021 other working papers Community Score Card Project Brief CARE NA 2021 Project report/Case study Community Score Card Case Study: Evolution to Scale CARE NA 2021 Project report/Case study Community Scorecard for COVID-19 Vaccines in Malawi CARE NA 2021 Project report/Case study C4D Works!: Spot it! Stop it! – Changing attitudes and behaviours related to violence against children in Kenya UNICEF NA 2021 Evaluation report CAPSAI: Community and provider- driven social accountability intervention for family planning and contraceptive service provision: experiences from the field WHO NA 2021 Evaluation report Transparency for Development – Results and Implications Transparency for Development Jessica Creighton, Jean Arkedis, Archon Fung, Stephen Kosack, Dan Levy & Courtney Tolmie; 2021 Implementation tool/guideline Integrating Accountability to Affected People into Country Office Planning Cycles -Summary guidelines UNICEF NA 2020 Implementation tool/guideline Government-led Community Score Card© for Family Planning Services CARE NA 2020 Learning note In Brief: Evidence on the role of social accountability in advancing women, children, and adolescents’ health Global Health Visions NA 2020 Project report/Case study Improving Linkages between Social Accountability and Social and Behavior Change Results for Development NA 2020 Project report/Case study A Journey through the Community Score Card in Malawi CARE NA 2020 Project report/Case study C4D Works!: Addressing GBV-related social and gender norms in Somalia UNICEF NA 2020 Project report/Case study C4D Works!: Community engagement to end female genital mutilation in the State of Eritrea UNICEF NA 2020 Evaluation report Insights from Transparency and Accountability Action Plans in Indonesia and Tanzania Transparency for Development Jessica Creighton, Jean Arkedis, Archon Fung, Stephen Kosack, Dan Levy & Courtney Tolmie 2020 Evaluation report Reinforcing social accountability in health services in Sud Kivu and Kongo Central provinces The Global Partnership for Social Accountability Jean Benoît Falisse, with Eric Mafuta and Philémon Mulongo 2019 Project report/Case study Setting the Stage for Increased Accountability: The White Ribbon Alliance Nigeria Campaign to Improve Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Niger State Accountability Research Center and White Ribbon Alliance Rachel Sullivan Robinson 2019 Project report/Case study Measuring the benefits to the communities
they serve – The social return on investment of community accountability
mechanisms for healthThe Maternal, Newborn
and Child Health
Programme in Northern
Nigeria (MNCH2)NA 2019 Evaluation report Impact Report 2018-2019 – E4A-MamaYe E4A-MamaYe NA 2019 Learning note How can a rethink of lessons from field experiments inform future research in transparency, participation, and accountability? International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) Jonathan Fox 2019 Project report/Case study Round Table on Social Accountability Malawi, September 2018: Report and Suggestions Moving Forward MCSP, USAID Angela Bailey 2019 M&E tool Monitoring and Evaluation of Evolving Social Accountability Efforts in Health – A Literature Synthesis MCSP, USAID Ligia Paina, Julie Saracino, Jessica Bishai, Eric Sarriot 2019 Project report/Case study Case Study: Commitment from Facility Management Committees Improves Quality of Health Services CARE NA 2019 Project report/Case study Technical Brief: Communities Support Health Facilities in Sierra Leone CARE NA 2019 Project report/Case study The Motion Tracker – Driving Accountability, Action, and Achievement USAID, Health Policy Plus project. NA 2019 Evaluation report Scaling Social Accountability: Evidence from Asia, Africa and the Caucasus World Vision NA 2019 Evaluation report Community-Provider Partnerships for Quality Improvement in Rwanda USAID, TWUBAKANE – Decentralization and Health Program
RwandaNA 2019 Implementation tool/guideline Fostering Joint Accountability Within Health Systems Training Curriculum, Guidance for a Participatory Assessment of Accountability Linkages, and Action Steps for Advocates USAID, Health Policy Plus project. NA 2018 Implementation tool/guideline Citizen Voice & Action Field Guide World Vision NA 2018 Evaluation report Citizen Voice and Action for Government Accountability and Improved Services : Maternal, Newborn, Infant and Child Health Services : Final Evaluation Report Community Matters Daniel Ball, Gill Westhorp 2018 Project report/Case study Learning to Sustain Change: Mitanin Community Health Workers Promote Public Accountability in India Accountability Research Center Samir Garg and Suchi Pande 2018 Project report/Case study How Can Evidence Bolster Citizen Action? Learning and Adapting for Accountable Public Health in Guatemala Accountability Research Center, CEGSS Walter Flores 2018 Evaluation report Evidence 4 Change: Citizen Voice and Action model World Vision NA 2018 Review report Two Promising Social Accountability Approaches to Improve Health in Malawi: Community Score Cards, and National Health Budget Consultation, Analysis and Advocacy MCSP, USAID Tanvi Monga, David Shanklin 2018 Project report/Case study Citizens Voice and Influence for Nutrition Service Delivery in Turkana Kenya World Vision NA 2018 Evaluation report Citizen Voice and Action for Government Accountability and Improved Services: Maternal, Newborn, Infant and Child Health Services Community Matters NA 2018 Implementation tool/guideline Social Accountability Resources and Tools MCSP, USAID Sandra Wilcox, David Shanklin 2017 Implementation tool/guideline Rights-Based Family Planning: 15 Resources to Guide Programming The Evidence Project: Population Council NA 2017 other working papers Monitoring Corruption and Anti-Corruption in the SDGs: A Resource Guide Transparency International NA 2017 Review report Civil Society Involvement in Family Planning: A Review of Global Programming and Evidence The Evidence Project: Population Council NA 2017 Evaluation report Citizen Voices, Community Solutions: Designing Better Transparency and Accountability Approaches to Improve Health Transparency for Development NA 2017 Implementation tool/guideline Guidance for Pairing SAA with Community Score Card CARE NA 2016 Implementation tool/guideline Social accountability – A practitioner’s handbook Basel Institute on Governance Switzerland: Basel Institute on Governance Baez Camargo, Claudia, and Franziska Stahl 2016 Implementation tool/guideline GOVERNANCE AND SERVICE DELIVERY – Practical Applications of Social Accountability Across Sectors RTI International Anna Wetterberg, Derick W. Brinkerhoff, and Jana C. Hertz 2016 Project report/Case study Knowledge Brief: A Review of Social Accountability Approaches in Health in Tanzania Options NA 2016 Evaluation report SSDI- Services Activities Performance Evaluation USAID NA 2016 Evaluation report Baseline Report Transparency for development (T4D) Transparency for Development NA 2016 Evaluation report Global Partnership for Social Accountability : Program Evaluation : Final Report The Global Partnership for Social Accountability Mark Robinson 2015 Project report/Case study The Transparency for Development Initiative Results for Development Courtney Tolmie, Jean Arkedis 2015 other working papers Engendering Accountability: Upholding Commitments to Maternal and Newborn Health Global Health Visions NA 2015 other working papers Social Accountability: A Primer for Civil Society Organizations Working in Family Planning and Reproductive Health USAID Erin McGinn and Alyson Lipsky 2015 M&E tool Guide to Assessing Social Accountability Efforts Across Sectors RTI International Williamson, Taylor 2015 other working papers Engendering Accountability: Upholding Commitments to Maternal and Newborn Health Global Health Visions R. Sneeringer, S. Hurd, and K. Mehling 2015 M&E tool Proposed Indicators of Human Rights and Family Planning The Evidence Project: Population Council Kelsey Wright, Karen Hardee 2015 Project report/Case study Social Accountability – a primer for civil society organizations working in family planning and reproductive health USAID, Health Policy Plus project. Erin McGinn and Alyson Lipsky 2015 Project report/Case study Changing Lives Through Social Accountability World Vision NA 2015 Evaluation report Accountability in Local Service Delivery: The Tuungane Community Scorecard Approach Guillame Labrecque and Isatou Batonon NA 2015 Learning note What Next For Strategic Social Accountability? The Global Partnership for Social Accountability NA 2014 Learning note How are GPSA’s Partners Thinking About Scale and Trying to Achieve It The Global Partnership for Social Accountability Guerzovich,Maria Florencia
Poli,Maria2014 Review report Social accountability: What does the evidence really say? The Global Partnership for Social Accountability Jonathan Fox 2014 Project report/Case study Accelerating Progress in Family Planning: Options for Strengthening Civil Society-led Monitoring and Accountability Results for Development Robert Hecht, Caroline Poirrier, Courtney Tolmie, Mark Roland 2014 Evaluation report Information is Power Experimental Evidence on the Long-Run Impact of Community Based Monitoring World Bank Björkman Nyqvist, M, de Walque, D, and Svensson, J. 2014 other working papers The Role of Social Accountability in Improving Health Outcomes: Overview and Analysis of Selected International NGO Experiences to Advance the Field CORE Group, , USAID NA 2014 Review report Social Accountability: What are the Lessons for Improving Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs? A Review of the Literature The Evidence Project: Population Council Boydell, Victoria, and Jill Keesbury 2014 other working papers Strengthening the Evidence Base on Social Accountability for Improving Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs: Meeting Report The Evidence Project: Population Council NA 2014 Implementation tool/guideline Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) : Operation Manual The Global Partnership for Social Accountability NA 2013 Implementation tool/guideline The Community Score Card (CSC): A generic guide for implementing CARE’s CSC process to improve quality of services CARE NA 2013 Implementation tool/guideline Accountability and Transparency for Public Health Policy: Advancing Country Ownership Futures Group K.W. Slevin, C. Green 2013 other working papers USAID Strategy on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance USAID NA 2013 Implementation tool/guideline Sourcebook of 21 social accountability tools World Bank Bhattarai, Chiranjibi
Khadka, Kedar2012 Evaluation report Voice and Accountability: The Role of Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Committee BRAC RED, Bangladesh Margaret Leppard, Sarawat Rashid, Atiya Rahman, Mahmuda Akhter, Hashima-E-Nasreen 2011 Evaluation report Examining the links between accountability, trust and performance in health service delivery in Tanzania Ifakara Health Institute Macha J, Mushi H P and Borghi J 2011 Evaluation report COMPASS (Community Participation for Action in the Social Sector) End of Project Report USAID NA 2009 Evaluation report Measuring Change and Results in Voice and Accountability Work Department for International development Jeremy Holland and Allyson Thirkell with Emmanuel Trepanier and Lucy Earl 2009 Evaluation report A mixed-method approach to measuring empowerment in the context of social policy monitoring in Jamaica World Bank Brook, Simon Holland, Jeremy 2009 Implementation tool/guideline Partnership Defined Quality for Youth – A Process Manual for Improving Reproductive Health Services Through Youth-Provider Collaboration Save the Children NA 2008 Project report/Case study Case Study – CLAS Peru Future Generations L. Altobelli. 2008 Evaluation report Power to the People : Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment of a Community-Based Monitoring Project in Uganda World Bank Björkman, Martina; Svensson, Jakob. 2007 Implementation tool/guideline Citizen Report Card Surveys – A Note on the Concept and Methodolgy World Bank NA 2004 other working papers Social accountability, An Introduction to the Concept and Emerging Practice World Bank Malena, Carmen, with Reiner Forster and Janmejay Singh 2004 Implementation tool/guideline Partnership Defined Quality a tool book for community and health provider collaboration for quality improvement Save the Children Lovich, Ronnie, Marcie Rubardt, Debbie Fagan, and Mary Beth Powers 2003 Implementation tool/guideline Social Accountability Reporting Checklist for Practitioners (SAR4Practice) Template USAID NA NA Implementation tool/guideline Community Scorecard Manual: A Social Audit Tool to Monitor the Progress of VietNam’s Socio-Economic Development Plan Ministry of Planning and Investment and UNICEF NA NA Implementation tool/guideline Community-Driven Development Toolkit: Governance and Accountability Dimensions World Bank NA NA - Systemic Reviews
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Title link Publication year Journal Authors Social accountability as a strategy to promote sexual and reproductive health entitlements for stigmatized issues and populations 2022 Int J Equity Health Schaaf M, Arnott G, Chilufya KM, Khanna R, Khanal RC, Monga T, Otema C, Wegs C.Building social accountability to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health in Nigeria 2022 Int J Equity Health Robinson RS, Adams T.Self-reliance or social accountability? The raison d’être of community health committees in Nigeria 2022 Int J Health Plann Manage Abimbola S, Drabarek D, Molemodile SK.Community Participation in Primary Healthcare in the South Sudan Boma Health Initiative: A Document Analysis 2022 Int J Health Policy Manag Belaid L, Sarmiento I, Dimiti A, Andersson N.Implementing a Social Accountability Approach for Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health Service Performances in Ethiopia: A Pre-Post Study Design 2021 Glob Health Sci Pract Argaw MD, Fekadu BD, Mamo E, Abebe MG, Rogers D, Demelash A, Ayele AA, Reda Z, Tareke AS, Erfo AM, Wonjalo WW, Bele TA, Ayede A, Abebe LG.Evaluation of social accountability in hospital managers