Webinar: “Education communities mobilize for Health for All”

The Education and Solidarity Network

December 11, 2020
5:30 pm CET
Virtual Participation Available

SAVE THE DATE! “Education communities mobilize for Health for All”, Webinar of the Education and Solidarity Network, 11 December 2020 – 5:30 pm (Paris time) 

Ahead of the International Day of Universal Health Coverage, the Education and Solidarity Network and its partners from around the world are looking forward to meeting you on Friday 11 December at 5:30 pm (UTC+1), to discuss Universal Health Coverage and the role of educational communities in this mobilization for #HealthForAll. 

Webinar sign-up form  

What are the obstacles to the implementation of Universal Health Coverage? What are educational communities and their partners doing to defend #HealthForAll?  

In the form of an international overview, the webinar will offer a space for reflection on the challenges of Universal Health Coverage, and on the mobilization of educational communities on health issues.  

The Covid-19 crisis has demonstrated the extent to which health and education are interdependent. All over the world, education stakeholders, on the front line of an unprecedented health and social crisis, continue to organize themselves for the continuity of education, the maintenance of safe and dignified working conditions and the physical and mental health of staff and students. 

The event takes place on the eve of the International Day of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), 12 December, which marks the anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly resolution calling on all nations to ensure access to affordable, quality health care for all people everywhere.  

The Covid-19 pandemic reminds us how essential it is to achieve Universal Health Coverage. Today, more than half of the world’s population does not have access to the health services they need, while an estimated 100 million people fall into poverty every year because of the cost of health care.  

This virtual meeting will be the starting point for a series of discussions on themes at the crossroads of the worlds of education, health and the social and solidarity economy. Join the initiative by signing up via this link. 

Sign-up form for the Education and Solidarity Network webinar “Educational communities mobilise for Universal Health Coverage”, 11 December 2020, 5:30 pm (UTC+1)