Save the Children’s World Malaria Day Webinar

Save the Children

April 19, 2022
08:00 am
Virtual Participation Available

Please join us on April 19, 2022 at 8:00 – 9:00 am EDT for a World Malaria Day 2022 webinar.

Register here:

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Global and in-country malaria experts and implementers from the Asia-Pacific and Sub-Saharan Africa will share successes, challenges and lessons learned in implementing locally-led, equitable and resilient malaria services with a focus on reaching the last mile.

World Malaria Day Webinar Agenda

  • Opening and closing remarks: Janti Soeripto, President and CEO, Save the Children USA
  • Facilitator: Sara Canavati, Sr. Malaria Advisor, Save the Children USA
  • Keynote speaker: Rick Steketee, Deputy Global Malaria Coordinator, President’s Malaria Initiative, USAID – The Importance of Community Health Workers and Localization


  • Building resilience in malaria service delivery in Myanmar | Min Min Thein, Head of Malaria, Global Fund, Save the Children Myanmar
  • Providing equitable access to malaria services for pregnant women in Cote d’Ivoire | Manasse Kassi, Chief of Party, Global Fund, Save the Children Cote d’Ivoire
  • Innovative approaches to malaria service provision in schools: the Malawi learner treatment kit | Jeanne Long, Director, School Health and Nutrition, Department of Education and Child Protection, Save the Children USA
  • Malaria elimination surveillance in Nepal: reaching populations at risk of malaria equitably | Suman Thapa, Head of Malaria, Global Fund, Save the Children Nepal