It’s That Time of Year Again for CORE Group’s Annual Photo Contest!

Photo by Mwangi Kirubi / Food for the Hungry (2020 Annual Report Photo Contest Winner)
We are looking for high-quality photos from your health programs that have been influenced by CORE Group. All submissions are due by Friday, January 28, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST.
The winning photo will be featured on the homepage of CORE Group’s 2021 Annual Report and the winner will receive one complimentary registration for the hybrid Global Health Practitioner Conference to be held in Washington, DC and virtually during the second half of 2022.

Photo by Sophie Garcia / Malaria Consortium
All photos must be high resolution (minimum resolution of 300 dpi) with a minimum size of approximately 1800 x 1400 pixels. We accept these file types: jpeg, png, tiff.
Photos should be from the 2021 calendar year and individuals featured in the photo must have provided consent to be photographed. Any individual or organization can submit up to 5 photos. This contest is open to all individuals and organizations, not limited to CORE Group Members.
Email your photos to Avani Duggaraju, Communications and Knowledge Management Coordinator, at with the following information:
1. Your name.
2. Your organization (if applicable).
3. A 1–2 sentence caption for each photo is required. Please include the location where the photo was taken.
4. A short description of how the program/project shown in the photos was influenced by CORE Group.
If your photos are too large to send by email, please upload them to Google Drive, Dropbox, WeTransfer, or any other sharing site, and include links to the photos in your email.
CORE Group Staff will select the winner based on visual composition and how the program/project the photo is showcasing has been influenced in some way by CORE Group’s work. Examples include programs that benefited from any of the following in planning, implementation, or evaluation:
• a CORE Group tool or resource
• information gained from a CORE Group conference, webinar, workshop, or training
• a connection or interaction facilitated by CORE Group in person or online
Photo submissions that were not selected as winner may be used on other pages of the annual report or in future CORE Group materials, including the Program Booklet for future Global Health Practitioner Conferences. Photos will always be used in a way that fairly represents the original context. All photos will be credited as: “Photo by [Organization or Individual Name/Organization]” unless otherwise noted.