Ebola Care Group Module

In by Avani Duggaraju

CORE Group


This set of lesson plans to control Ebola Viral Disease is for use in Care Group projects. The plans are designed for use through Care Groups in countries that currently are using that model or that will be in the near future. These lesson plans should add to, not replace, informational materials available in Ebola-affected countries. The lessons and photos are not perfect, and the recommended guidance changed through development, over the course of the epidemic. We highly encourage practitioners to ensure all information and behaviors promoted are aligned with what official agencies (e.g., MOH, CDC) are promoting in their countries, and to make changes to this generic module based on their situation and guidance. Lesson Plans 1-4 are intended for use in countries which have not yet experienced but are at risk for an Ebola outbreak. Lesson Plans 5-9 are designed for use in countries which are currently or have been in the midst of an Ebola epidemic.
