CORE Group has over 280 organization and individual members committed to advancing community health for underserved people in low- and middle-income countries.
Through our International Community Health Network, over 20,000 health and development professionals come together to share ideas, identify gaps and promising innovations, and collaborate to create the next generation of practical tools, guidance and insight. Results are then thoroughly disseminated via our worldwide net of practitioners, policymakers, consultants, students, and other stakeholders.
Member Benefits

- Enjoy leadership opportunities as Co-Chair of CORE Group’s Technical Working Groups, Interest Groups, Technical Advisory Groups, or Young Professionals Network
- Be at the forefront of a strong advocacy voice for community health with opportunities to co-organize panels and satellite sessions at global events
- Bring your views and ideas to policy consultations with donors, UN agencies, and other stakeholders
- Inform the direction of the rapidly evolving global and country level health issues by co-authoring white papers, technical briefs, and journal articles
- Contribute to the knowledge base of global community health practice by co-creating tools, frameworks, training efforts, and standards

- Establish significant professional relationships, learn from and share knowledge, and take advantage of partnership opportunities with global health leaders and colleagues via Technical Working and Interest Groups, conferences, events, and other activities
- Leverage the depth and breadth of experience and expertise of CORE Group’s International Community Health Network for collaborative work, with over 20,000 participants around the globe
- Increase profile visibility and reach via CORE Group’s communication and dissemination channels: website, email lists, quarterly newsletters, webinars, social media, and multimedia materials
- Participate in co-design business development opportunities with CORE Group and its members

- Hone skills in community health technical areas through CORE Group’s Annual Global Health Practitioner Conference, trainings, workshops, and events, at discounted rates
- Deepen engagement and collaboration between early-career and established global health practitioners by participating in CORE Group’s Mentorship Program
- Stay current on the best tools, resources, innovations, and trends through working group channels, webinars, and quarterly newsletters

- Share unlimited employment opportunities on CORE Group’s online job board
- Access office space with virtual conference capabilities at CORE Group’s downtown Washington, DC office
Annual Membership Dues

Membership Eligibility Criteria
Organizational Member
- US-based or international non-governmental organization, academic institutions, foundations, or private sector
- Engaged in the international health and development field
- Committed to advancing the global health agenda through strengthening community health systems
- Committed to the values promoted by CORE Group: collective capacity, equity, local experience and knowledge, participation of civil society, and impact
- Committed to playing an active, collaborative role in the International Community Health Network and other CORE Group activities
- Committed to advancing community health program knowledge, organizational collaboration, and effective policy to support those in greatest need
Individual Member
- Professional or retired individual engaged in the international health and development field
- Committed to advancing the global health agenda through strengthening community health systems
- Committed to the values promoted by CORE Group: collective capacity, equity, local experience and knowledge, participation of civil society, and impact
- Committed to playing an active, collaborative role in the International Community Health Network and other CORE Group activities
- Committed to advancing community health program knowledge, organizational collaboration, and effective policy to support those in greatest need
- Able to provide two references, including at least one from a CORE Group Organizational Member
Student Member
- Full or part time student, engaged in the international health and development field
- Committed to advancing the global health agenda through strengthening community health systems
- Committed to the values promoted by CORE Group: collective capacity, equity, local experience and knowledge, participation of civil society, and impact
- Committed to playing an active, collaborative role in the International Community Health Network and other CORE Group activities
- Committed to advancing community health program knowledge, organizational collaboration, and effective policy to support those in greatest need
- Able to provide two references, including at least one from a CORE Group Organizational Member or Individual Member
Do you have a question? Contact Arafat Safi, Operations and Membership Manager, at for any membership inquiry.