Webinar: How Can SBC Programming Address Equity and Social Determinants of Health Considerations in FP/RH?

Breakthrough ACTION

April 26, 2022
9:00 AM
Virtual Participation Available

April 26, 2022
9 AM Washington / 1 PM (GMT) Accra / 2 PM Abuja / 3 PM Lusaka / 4 PM Addis / 6:30 PM New Delhi
Duration: 1 hour

This webinar will focus on how social and behavior change (SBC) programming is well suited to addressing equity and social determinants of health in the FP/RH arena. It will also explore how to apply these to efforts for social and structural change pertaining to contraceptive autonomy and reproductive empowerment. Presentations feature the voices and experiences of global researchers and practitioners based in Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa.  The webinar will be offered in English with simultaneous interpretation into French.