Webinar: Achieving High-Quality Social and Behavior Change: New Tools for Quality Multi-sectoral Nutrition Programming


December 17, 2020
8:30 am EST
Virtual Participation Available

We know that quality social and behavior change (SBC) is crucial to achieving nutrition outcomes; however, high-quality nutrition SBC is challenging to put into practice. Nutrition is complex, often requiring multiple sectors and actors to align and harmonize efforts that are focused on behaviors that require multiple daily actions and change as a child ages. Nutrition SBC practitioners sometimes face a daunting set of obstacles tying these elements together.

As a practitioner, do you ever feel pressure to address too many behaviors, although this often leads to a dilution of effort, resources, and impact? Do you find that quality implementation gets less attention than quality design? Do you feel overwhelmed by capacity strengthening needs? USAID Advancing Nutrition is developing a suite of practical tools that will help programmers achieve high-quality nutrition SBC. Built on partner experiences and lessons learned, the tools include a list of standardized behaviors, an inventory of common factors that drive nutrition behaviors, and a tool that guides users through a simple process to prioritize the most important behaviors to strengthen given available resources and potential impact. We will also share a list of nutrition SBC competencies to aid program managers and practitioners as they shape capacity strengthening efforts

Join this webinar to learn about the tools, provide your important inputs, and suggest additional ideas. We will continue to refine and add to these tools and will share these resources during the webinar, and additional resources once developed.

To Register, visit: https://jsi.zoom.us/webinar/register/8716063362117/WN_NxOqjwVqTPi3iN4k9S0iug