From Advocacy to Action: Advancing Health at Community and National levels

Health Information and Publications Network (HIPNet)

September 13, 2017
2:00 - 4:30pm
ICRW 1120 20th Street NW Suite 500N Washington, DC 20036
Virtual Participation Available

Join us as we host speakers from three organizations who will share successes and lessons learned on preparing and disseminating advocacy campaigns. They’ll reveal the “secret sauce” that makes policymakers pay attention and take action in the U.S. and abroad, show their creative and eye-catching communications campaigns, and share how their advocacy work has moved the needle on issues that matter.


  • Stephanie Bowen, Director of Strategic Communication, White Ribbon Alliance
  • Amanda Livingstone, Advocacy and Programs Manager, White Ribbon Alliance
  • Harshi Hettige, Communication Officer, Advance Family Planning
  • Jill Carney, Associate Director of Government Relations, Save the Children Action Network


White Ribbon Alliance is a powerful network of advocates working for maternal, newborn health and rights at the local, national and global levels. We mobilize citizens, helping them recognize and seize their power to demand that all women and their children are safe and healthy before, during and after pregnancy. Through its network of National Alliances, WRA helps citizens understand that they have the power to hold their governments accountable for promises made and money spent. WRA works from the bottom up, top down and across communities, health systems and all levels of government to make sure that the best solutions are identified, prioritized and put into place. Join us as we discuss several highly-successful citizen-led campaigns using innovative communication and advocacy approaches to reach their goals.

SMART advocacy requires SMART communication. Advance Family Planning is an advocacy initiative focused on achieving SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound) objectives to fulfill the Family Planning 2020 mission to improve contraceptive access and choice for 120 million more women and girls. Across our ten focus countries, our local partners implement decision-maker-centric advocacy strategies, for which effective communication is key. Learn about how and why we role play bumping into a Minister of Health at the mall, jumpstart family planning radio programs, and develop decision-maker-friendly materials. Join us on September 13th.

Save the Children Action Network (SCAN) is the political voice for kids. Together with our supporters, we focus on two critical issues: early childhood education and ending preventable deaths. As the political advocacy arm of Save the Children, we bring those issues directly to federal and state lawmakers. We will be discussing bipartisan global health legislation, the Reach Every Mother and Child Act, and the various facets of our federal advocacy campaign behind it, including how we operate in a highly charged and partisan political landscape.

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