Do engaging fathers and bundling nutrition and parenting interventions improve young child diets and development and promote gender equality?

Global Communities

March 22, 2022
09:00 am
Virtual Participation Available

Do engaging fathers and bundling nutrition and parenting interventions improve young child diets and development and promote gender equality? 

Please join Global Communities as we share the results from EFFECTS, a 5-arm cluster-randomized trial implemented in Northern Tanzania alongside partners the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Purdue University, and the Africa Academy for Public Health, with support from the Eleanor Crook Foundation and Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. Our virtual conversation will bring together leading experts across the fields of global health, early childhood development, nutrition and gender, with a focus on collaborative, multi-sectoral, and father-inclusive approaches to maximize benefits to maternal, child, and family well-being. The EFFECTS study highlights the feasibility and benefits of addressing early childhood development, nutrition, and gender in one program. 

To learn more and register, please visit