“Capacity Strengthening for Global Health: Partnerships, Accountability, Integration, Learning (PAIL)”
Meeting Report
At-A-Glance Agenda
Program Booklet
Monday Pre-meeting Presentations
Tuesday Presentations
Wednesday Presentations
Thursday Presentations
Friday Presentations
CORE Group extends a very special thank you to our Spring Meeting 2013 Event Sponsors:
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Monday, April 22, 2013
Pre-Meeting Sessions
Understanding Why, When, and What It Will Take To Do Scientifically Sound Operations Research (OR) in Your Program
Florence Nyangara, PhD, Senior Research and Evaluation Specialist, MCHIP
Emily Peca, Research Associate, TRAction/URC-CHS
Kristina Gryboski, PhD, Senior Research and Program Learning Advisor, USAID/CSHGP
The half-day workshop brought together OR novices and experts attending CORE Group meeting for an informative discussion on the OR topic including terminologies (OR, Implementation Research), basics of OR (what, why, when, and how), capacity needs, and how OR translates to policy and program practices. Participants discussed recent advances and future opportunities of undertaking Operations Research (OR) across a broad range of health programs and funding sources. Experiential examples from the Child Survival and Health Grants program and TRACTion projects helped inform the discussion.
Understanding Why, When, and What it Will Take to do Operations Research in a Program- Nyangara
An Introduction to Implementation Research- Peca
Process Evaluation- Gryboski
Dissemination Strategies- Gryboski
How to Plan a CommCare Project
Gillian Javetski, Program Analyst, Dimagi
Jeremy Wacksmon, Dimagi
The half-day workshop presented an overview of the potential benefits for equipping CHWs with CommCare and short report-outs from CORE Group members who have implemented CommCare. Presenters drew upon lessons learned from the last 5 years of implementing CommCare to discuss how to plan for initial implementation and long term support of the project, and what is required beyond simply equipping CHWs with phones and software to fully realize the potential benefits of CommCare.
How to Plan a CommCare Workshop- Javetski and Wacksmon
Additional Dimagi Products and Resources:
- Information about Dimagi’s technologies including CommCare, CommConnect, and CommTrack
- CommCareHQ: Create an account and play around with CommCare!
- You can also check out our open-source app store, CommCare Exchange,to test out some apps that already been created.
- Dimagi’s Help Site: This is a great online resource that includes pages about getting started with CommCare
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Welcome & Overview
Judy Lewis, Chair, CORE Group Board of Directors
A welcoming activity opened the meeting with an introduction to the meeting’s theme on capacity strengthening for global health. Following, the CORE Group BOD presented CORE Group’s key directions and 2013 goals.
CORE Group Welcome & Strategic Planning- Lewis
Keynote Speaker:
Leonardo Cubillos Turriago, Senior Health Specialist, World Bank Institute
Achieving sustainable development results entails strategic capacity building efforts. However, worldwide results on capacity building have consistently fallen short of expectations. What have we learned? How can we do better? Are we preparing ourselves to meet the Post-MDG challenges? A “successful” capacity building strategy may require the use of different methodologies and processes that in turn, target audiences at different societal levels. Stamina and time are a must. Building on a rights-based approach and including concepts developed by Sen and Rawls, we will discuss concepts, applications, and examples, including a revamped emphasis on measuring and debating results attained in the field.
Improving Our Capacity to Develop Capacity to Improve Health- Dr. Leonardo Cubillos Turriago
Concurrent Sessions
Practical and Evidence-Based Interventions for NGOs/PVOs to Address Mental Health Issues in ChildrenJudith K. Bass, Assistant Professor, Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
William M. Weiss, Associate Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Evidence-based interventions for addressing mental health problems in children exist and some have been tested in low resource settings. Low resource settings are defined as populations that are poor and/or have very limited access to mental health professionals. These interventions were described along with the supporting evidence. In addition, approaches for practically implementing these interventions in low resources settings were presented along with key requirements for effective programming.
Capacity Strengthening: Approaches in the Field
Alan Talens, Health Advisor, World Renew
Patricia Murray, Program Associate for Health, Plan International USA
Mwayabo J.C. Kazadi, Senior Technical Advisor for HIV Care and Treatment, Catholic Relief Services
Sarah Ford, Director of Partnership and Capacity Strengthening, Catholic Relief Services (Moderator)
Organizational capacity and viability and community capacity are 2 (of 4) key components of sustainability (Sustainability Framework) and there are key questions to answer in formulating a capacity building strategy: Whose capacity is being built? Why are we attempting to build capacity? And How will we know we have succeeded in building capacity? (USAID Capacity Building TRM 2006). This sessions gave examples on how to plan for sustainability by integrating capacity strengthening into your projects.
Asset-Based Approach to Build and Measure Organizational Capacity- Talens
If We Build It, Will it Last?- Murray
Leveraging and HIV Care and Treatment Program to Strengthen Local Health Care Networks-Kazadi
Non-Communicable Diseases: Building Programs and Policies to Support NCD Prevention and Control
Jeff Meer, Special Advisor-Global Health Policy and Development, Public Health Institute
Paul Holmes, Senior Regional Health Advisor for Europe and Eurasia, USAID
Branka Legetic, Regional Advisor for Prevention and Control of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, PAHO/WHO
Antony Duttine, Rehabilitation Technical Advisor, Global Health , Handicap International
Mychelle Farmer, Technical Advisor for Health and HIV, Catholic Relief Services (Moderator)
This concurrent session reviewed the fundamental concepts of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), with particular attention to their impact on vulnerable populations in resource limited settings. The four panelists describe the global impact of NCDs, from a health and a development perspective. Experts from PAHO/WHO and USAID presented successful programming strategies that will support an integrated approach to the prevention and control of NCDs. Also, the special needs of priority populations such as children and adolescents, and persons living with disabilities were also described.
NCD Update: Policies and Programs for the Prevention and Control of NCDs_ Meer
Accelerating Progress on USAID’s Existing Health Priorities- Holmes
Noncommunicable Diseases in the Americas- Legetic
Non-communicable Dieases- Duttine
Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs): Programs and Policies for Prevention and Control_ Farmer
Integration Through an M&E Lens
Elaine Charurat, Senior Program Officer for FP/RH, Jhpiego/MCHIP
Charlotte Colvin, TB Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, USAID
Rebecca Fields, Senior Technical Advisor for Immunization, John Snow, Inc
Jennifer Winestock Luna, Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, ICF International/MCHIP
Integrated programming – it’s a priority, it’s a GHI principal, but does it lead to improved health outcomes? This session focused on discussing measurement challenges with presentations on M&E experiences of integrating Immunization & Family Planning; FP & Maternal Health; and HIV & TB plus USAID’s perspective of the GHI principal.
Global Health Intiative Principle on Integration- GHI Integration Working Group
Monitoring and Evaluation of TB/HIV Service Integration- Colvin|
Practical Guidance for Incorporating Health Equity Considerations- Luna
Lunch Roundtables
CORE Group Newcomer Lunch
Pinky Patel, Communications Manager, CORE Group
CORE Group Introduction- Patel
Concurrent Sessions
Care Group Innovations
Tom Davis, Chief Program Officer and Senior Specialist for Social and Behavior Change, TOPS Project, Food for the Hungry
Mary DeCoster, Coordinator of Social and Behavioral Change Programs, Food for the Hungry
Carolyn Kruger, Senior Advisor for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, Project Concern International
Melanie Morrow, Director of Maternal Child Health, World Relief
Jennifer Weiss, Health Advisor, Concern Worldwide
In this session, presenters provided an overview of the Care Group model, presented the latest evidence and tools for the model, and shared innovations concerning the CG model. Presenters also shared formative research that led to the design of the combined Care Group/GROW approach, discussed the TRIO Care Group model; and introduced an ‘Integrated’ Care Group (CG) model designed to increase integration with MOH structures by task-shifting CG facilitation from NGO staff to CHWs.
Care Group Innovations- Davis
Integration of Care Groups and Savings-Led Empowerment Model- Kruger
Care Group Trios- Kruger
Care Groups and Income Generation- Morrow
Care Group Operations Research in Burundi and Niger- Weiss
Increasing Capacity for Health Outreach: Linking Health, Financial Services and Microenterprise Development
Cassie Chandler, Technical Advisor, Freedom from Hunger
Brian Swarts, Assistant Program Director – Strategic Planning, Salvation Army World Service Office
Jana Smith, Manager – Health Program Development and Innovation, Pro Mujer
Katie Waller, Innovations Program Officer, Concern Worldwide
This session reviewed current status of cross-sectoral collaboration between the health and financial services sectors, including evidence of impact and cost effectiveness. Freedom from Hunger provided an overview and global perspective of this work, introducing examples of different models. SAWSO shared how it integrated savings groups and health as a strategy for supporting OVCs, Pro Mujer discussed its integrated microfinance and health program, and Concern Worldwide presented its model for training TBAs to provide care and sell health products.
Increasing Capacity for Health Outreach- Chandler
Empowering Better Care- Swarts
Pro Mujer: Pioneer in Direct Service Delivery- Smith
Reinventing Traditional Birth Attendants- Waller
“Let’s Give Them a Nudge”: Social Mobilization Theory and Field Experiences from India
Lee Losey, Deputy Director and Senior Technical Advisor, CORE Group Polio Project/Catholic Relief Services
Ataur Rab, India Program Manager, CORE Group Polio Project/Project Concern
Parul Ratna, India Program Coordinator, CORE Group Polio Project/Catholic Relief Services
Vivekananda Biswas, India Project Manager, CORE Group Polio Project/Adventist Relief and Development Agency
The session presented practical applications of a few theoretical models of social mobilization and behavior change education including the Behavior Change Model, social mobilization definitions, changing social norms, nudge theory, and changing default options for better health outcomes. Concrete field experiences were presented by three Polio project managers from India who explained how their project effected social norm shifting through mobilization and engagement of key members of society, the focus on local ownership, the contagion of change and the empowerment of communities to change from the bottom up.
“Lets Give Them a Nudge”: Social Mobilization Field Experiences from India- Losey
“Lets Give Them a Nudge”: Social Mobilization Field Experiences from India- Rab
Melting Moments- Ratna
Melting Barriers- Biswas
Interconception Health: Can We Apply Lessons Learned Domestically to International Work?
Merry- K Moos, Consultant, Center for Maternal and Infant Health University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Johannie Escarne, Senior Public Health Analyst, HRSA/MCHB/DHSPS
Patricia MacDonald, Senior Technical Advisor, USAID
This session brought together domestic and international experts to discuss possible linkages and shared learning in the field of maternal and child health. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of Population and Reproductive Health (PRH), in collaboration with the Maternal and Child Health Program (MCHIP), the Evidence to Action (E2A) project and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) organized a joint session that provided participants with an overview of work in preconception and interconception health domestically and globally, presented a tool for reproductive life planning and offered the opportunity to engage in discussion on opportunities for linkages and shared learning domestically and globally.
Reproductive Life Planning as a Component of Interconception (and Preconception and Preventative Care)- Moos
Healthy Start Interceptoin Care Learning Collaborative- Escarne
Family Planning’s Role in Improving Maternal & Child Health and Well-Being- MacDonald
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Power Breakfast Roundtables
Power Breakfast Roundtables provided attendees with four 25-minute opportunities to network, promote and learn about 18 various projects, topics or tools. Please note, most roundtables did not include a powerpoint presentation.
Development: What Is It and How Is It Acheived?-Henry Mosley
State of CORE Group
Karen LeBan, Executive Director, CORE Group
Karen provided an update on CORE Group strategic planning, membership trends, and activities. She also shared highlights from CORE Group’s collaboration with TOPS, MCHIP, and CGPP.
Lunch Roundtables
Massive Open Online Courses
Henry Perry, Senior Associate, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Hygiene and Public Health
Dr. Perry recently taught a course in January on Coursera (a MOOC, or massive open online course) on Health for All through Primary Health Care, for which 15,000 people around the world registered. In the session, he described the course and share his experience in teaching it. The course will be re-taught beginning on May 29th and again in October.
Momentum is Building Fast! CHW Principles of Practice (PoP)
Fe D. Garcia, Sr. Advisor, Child and Adolescent Health and Development
Fe introduced PoP and invited participants to participate in shaping the draft CHW Principles of Practice.
Program Strategies to Reduce Post-Partum Hemorrhage and Pre-Eclampsia/Eclampsia: A Practical Review of Research Findings
John Varallo, Maternal Health Senior Technical Advisor, MCHIP/Jhpiego
Khatidja Naithani, Program Officer, MCHIP/Jhpiego; Rehana Gubin, Global Health Practice and Policy Research Technical Advisor, MCHIP/Jhpiego
Post-partum hemorrhage (PPH) and pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (PE/E) continue to be leading causes of maternal death in developing counties. The MCHIP maternal health team recently published the findings from two integrative reviews in the journal BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. The first review examined the safety of magnesium sulfate in the management of PE/E. The second review examined program strategies to reduce PPH through distribution of misoprostol for use at home birth. This presentation discussed the review findings and highlighted steps that participants can take to incorporate these lessons into country programs.
Program Strategies to Reduce Post-Partum Hemmorhage and Pre-Eclampsia- Varallo, Naithani, Gubin
Working People’s Health: Integrating Workplace Health into Primary Health Care
Sarah Shannon, Executive Director, Hesperian Health Guides
The impact of work (where most of us spend the greater part of our waking hours) on physical and mental health is often considered to be outside the realm of primary health care. However, without a concept of health that includes work as a primary determinant, working people in urban, peri-urban, and rural communities have few tools to understand and take action on workplace conditions and chemical exposures that greatly impact their health and wellbeing and that of their families. Sarah shared experiences of promoting workers’ health both inside and outside the workplace, and of working to integrate workplace health into community-based primary health care programs.
Concurrent Sessions
PD/Hearth: Alive, Well, and Getting Better
Melanie Morrow, Director of Maternal Child Health, World Relief
Diane Baik, Nutrition Technical Advisor, World Vision Center of Expertise
Hazel Simpson, Deputy Chief of Party, WALA Project, Catholic Relief Services Malawi
Jennifer Burns, Nutrition Technical Specialist, Counterpart International
Since it was popularized twenty years ago, PD/Hearth has been implemented by many PVOs in a many contexts with varying degrees of success. PD/Hearth has three goals: behavior change, sustainability, and recuperation, but success has been almost exclusively measured by recuperation rates. Large reviews or evaluations of PD/Hearth raised concerns about quality of implementation, impact on population-level behavior change, and the level of staff involvement which impeded taking the approach to scale through government health services. As evidenced by the recent Nutrition Working Group survey, many NGOs have persisted with PD/Hearth, making adaptations and creating solid processes to assure capacity and minimize labor intensity. This session reviewed recent experiences showing that PD Hearth has great potential for enhancing improvements in infant and young child feeding practices when implemented in conjunction with other health and nutrition promotion approaches.
PD Hearth and Nutrition Weeks in Rwanda- Morrow and Kabadege
PD Hearth: Alive, Well, and Getting Better
Forget Focus Group Discussions: Alternative Methods to Understand Community Realities
Lenette Golding, Senior Technical Advisor in Social and Behavior Change Communication, CARE
Using a combination of lecture, discussion, and practice, this session engaged participants to learn and apply participatory research methods for the development and implementation of health programming. The session started by briefly covering the theoretical underpinnings of participatory research as well as the role that participatory research can play in developing and implementing health programming. Participants evaluated participatory research activities that can be used in different situations and for different research objectives. Participants also had the opportunity to work in teams and practice participatory research activities and analyze the results produced by their efforts.
Forget Focus Group Discussions- Golding
Mars vs. Venus II: Leveraging NGO-Corporate Partnerships for Health in Developing Countries
David Wofford, Director, RAISE Health Initiative, Meridian Group
Joe Miklosi, Director of Government Relations, Project C.U.R.E.
Public Health often views itself as operating in a different universe from corporations and private workplaces. While public-private partnerships have assumed an increasingly important role in development projects, there remain large opportunities to maximize corporate partnerships to improve health conditions in the developing world. Joe Miklosi of Project C.U.R.E. and David Wofford of Meridian Group International, Inc. presented two models of leveraging private resources for your projects and integrating corporate social responsibility standards into health systems strengthening initiatives.
Mars vs. Venus II- Wofford & Miklosi
Trauma-Informed Community Health Workers
Elaine Zook Barge, STAR Director, Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University
In times of disaster, disease and conflict, communities worldwide are impacted by trauma, pain and violence. Trauma affects how we think, feel, and behave and unhealed trauma often leads to more violence as victims act out against others or become self-destructive. This workshop addressed the impact of trauma on the body, brain and behavior of individuals and communities and highlight some processes for addressing trauma, breaking cycles of violence, and building resilience which are part of the STAR (Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience) Model which will be introduced.
The STAR Model provides an integrated bio-psycho-social-spiritual framework that can be used by community health workers, teachers, clergy, government leaders, lawyers, or medical and mental health professionals who are working with individuals and communities on the immediate and long-term effects of trauma.
Working Group Time
Nutrition and Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Joint Session
Parul Christian, Professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of International Health (and the Department’s Center for Human Nutrition).
Manisha Tharaney, Nutrition Policy and Advocacy Advisor for SPRING
The Nutrition Working Gorup joined tthe Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Working Groups to hear about how prenatal nutrition is connected to “fetal programming” or long-term metabolic and health outcomes. Some are terming this connection “epigenetics;” it has also been referred to as “the Barker Hypothesis;” An update was also provided on major country-level and research activities USAID’s global flagship nutrition project is conducting.
Impact of Maternal Nutritional Interventions on Short and Long-term Health, Suvival, and Function– Parul Christian
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Sustainability and Accountability: Of What? To Whom? How Do We Know When We Have It?
Janine Schooley, Senior Vice President for Programs, PCI
Eric Sarriot, Director, Center for Design and Research in Sustainable Health & Human Development (CEDARS), ICF International
Patricia Murray, Program Associate for Health, Plan International USA
Sustainability has long been one of those words that is used more than it is understood, that every proposal for funding has to address, but that very seldom gets measured. During this session, PCI, Plan USA and CEDARS made the argument that testing for sustainability, both during and post projects, is essential for achieving lasting impact. The session engaged participants in thinking through how best to test for sustainability and how best to overcome challenges and constraints related to sustainability and its measurement. Participants also strategized on how best to attract resources to be able to do more sustainability testing, especially post project.
Post-Project Sustainability Study- Schooley
Testing for Sustainbility: Lessons from the Post-Intervention Study in Taita-Taveta District, Kenya- Murray
Concurrent Sessions
Measuring Local Capacity Strengthening: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Carol Underwood, Senior Research Advisor for Research and Evaluation, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Carol B. Makoane, Technical Officer for HIV/AIDS Programs, Project Concern International
Local ownership and decision-making are essential elements of effective development. How do you define ownership, and how do you have contributed to improving it? How to incorporate local ownership and decision-making from the program-design phase? What are good examples to learn from? In this session, participants learned from two different LCS measurement experiences, and engaged in group work to further identify the most common barriers, pitfalls and dilemmas and recommendations for measuring capacity and its impact.
Community Capacity: Means to Improved Health Practices or an End-in-Itself- Underwood
Building Bridges Between Civil Society and Governement Through Capacity Building of the CSO Sector: Experience and Results from Botswana- Makoane
Strengthening and Expanding iCCM
Paul Freeman, Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept. Global Health at University of Washington
Alfonso Rosales, Maternal & Child Health Technical Specialist, World Vision
Yves Cyaka, Malaria and Child Survival Technical Advisor, Population Services International
Presenters in this session illustrated key findings and tools in expanding iCCM, including the case-control EOP evaluation of the USAID funded iCCM project implemented in rural Benin by Management Sciences for Health (MSH), July 2009 to 2012; the development process of developing the various tools, a description of them, and preliminary results on the applicability of tools among illiterate CHWs; and the expansion efforts and share preliminary results from an endline study that measured impact on child mortality.
EOP Evaluation of BASICS iCCM Project Benin 2009 to 2012- Freeman
Integrating Newborn Interventions into Community Case Management in rural South Sudan- Rosales
CIDA CCMImpact Project: Cameroon- Cyaka
Innovation and Integration: How mHealth Can Strengthen the Work of CHWs
Sarah Shannon, Executive Director, Hesperian Health Guides
Gwyn Hainsworth, Senior Advisor for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, Pathfinder
Eric Silfen, Chief Medical Officer, Philips Healthcare
Marie Solange Ngueko, CIDA Program Coordinator, ACMS/Population Service International Cameroon
Kelly L’Engle, FHI360 (Moderator)
This session will provided an overview, and examples, of the different ways that mHealth tools can support CHWs — ranging from data collection, clinical decision support, content delivery, training, and telemedicine. Presenters shared successes and challenges in implementing a variety of mHealth tools into projects that build capacity of CHWs and other frontline health workers. An interactive discussion among participants and presenters explored the potential and channels to integrate mHealth activities into community-based health programs and information systems.
Innovation and Integration: How mHealth Can Strengthen the Work of CHWs- Shannon
Leveraging Mobile Technology to Strengthen the Work of Community Health Workers- Hainsworth
Innovation and Integration- Silfen
mHealth- Ngueko
Lunch Roundtables
PowerPacked PowerPoint Presentations
David Marsh, Senior Advisor, Save the Children
This session included an introduction to and demonstration of a “self-instructional” slide-deck that illustrates 50 tips plus questions and answers to share experience.
Approaches to Improve Malaria Outcomes through Changing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior: Evidence, Information gaps, and Recommendations for the Future
Debra Prosnitz, Program Manager for Malaria Communities Program and Technical Advisor for CSHGP, ICF International
This roundtable presented the results of an analysis of a select group of CSHGP projects, which examines the comparability of malaria-specific quantitative data and availability and depth of qualitative data to determine whether outcomes and impact of behavior change communication strategies and messages can be systematically assessed across the larger portfolio of projects. Gaps in information and recommendations for improved data collection and reporting were summarized.
K4Health Family Planning Advocacy Toolkit Focus Group
Adrienne Allison, Project Director, Birth Spacing Integration, World Vision
Elizabeth Futrell, Technical Writer, Knowledge for Health, Johns Hopkins Center for Communications Programs
Participants were introduced to the first “field trial” of the newest K4Health Toolkit on Advocacy for Family Planning.
Adolescent Health
Mychelle Farmer, Technical Advisor for Health and HIV, Catholic Relief Services
Beth Outterson, Advisor, Adolescent Health, Save the Children
The adolescent health lunch roundtable discussed our existing project assessing adolescent health programs within CORE Group and proposed new projects for the coming year. Please join us if you share our desire for innovative approaches to adolescent health in the context of CORE Group programs.
Concurrent Sessions
Newborn Health
Steve Wall, Senior Advisor for Technical Support, Save the Children/Saving Newborn Lives
Participants learned about new secondary analysis of Saving Newborn Lives research highlighting how local care-seeking behaviors influence the design, implementation and potential effectiveness of implementation. Participants also discuss newborn health approaches related to participatory community approaches, equity, private sector, and scale-up.
Care Seeking for Newborn Illness: A Changing Paradigm?- Steve Wall
Environmental Enteropathy: Going Beyond Nutrition to Understand Child Growth and Development
Laura Smith, PhD Candidate, Cornell University
Julia Rosenbaum, Behavior Change Specialist, FHI360
Renuka Bery, WASH integration Specialist, FHI 360
Infants and young children in low income countries are frequently ingesting high quantities of fecal bacteria and pathogens through mouthing soiled fingers and play items, and soil and poultry feces in the environment. Frequent childhood infections from such exposures affect mother-child interaction and child feeding behavior, with cumulative negative consequences on growth and development. Recent evidence suggest that chronic fecal-oral transmission of pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes inflame the small intestine mucosal lining and result in a highly permeable gut, with impaired barrier and absorptive functions, and subsequent chronic immune stimulation. Evidence is mounting that these processes contribute to stunting and may also cause anemia, both well-described risk factors for deficits in child development. A feces free environment is critical to reducing exposure to pathogenic microbes. This session examined the results of fecal-oral transmission to small children, and explored solutions to addressing this problem. Presenters highlighted community-led total sanitation, explored interventions to provide a clean play and infant feeding environment and discussed the required behavior change and appropriate technologies, designed for rugged environments and conducive to increase child protection without limiting infant play and exploration.
EE: Going Beyond Nutrition to Understand Child Growth and Development- Smith
Total Sanitation- Rosenbaum
A Day in the Life- Bery
Highlights from FY 2012 Final Evaluations of Three CSHGP’s Operations Research Projects
Elena McEwan, Senior Health Technical Advisor, Catholic Relief Services
Jennifer Nielsen, Senior Program Manager for Nutrition and Health, Helen Keller International Dennis Cherian, Acting Senior Director, Health and HIV, World Vision
Florence Nyangara, Senior Research and Evaluation Specialist; MCHIP/ICF International (Moderator)
This session featured three Child Survival and Health Grants Programs that conducted Operations Research studies since FY2008 through FY 2012/13. The projects were funded by USAID for five-years to test innovative solutions to overcoming programming barriers for the uptake of high impact maternal, newborn, and child health interventions. The studies were conducted in Nicaragua, Nepal, and Afghanistan by CRS, HKI, and World Vision, respectively. The presenters presented their findings and how they were achieved.
AAMA Operations Research Process: 2008-2012- Nielsen
Write Better First Drafts and Save Time! Tips for Forceful Writing
David Marsh, Senior Advisor, Save the Children
Ever since earning a MINUS 20 on his first sophomore writing assignment in high school, David Marsh has strived (striven?) to improve his writing. Now he thinks he can improve others’ writing. Come and see. This session will be an interactive presentation with time to practice editing and writing, applying the suggested guidelines.
Grammar?- Marsh
Grammar for Qualitative Statements- Marsh
Quiz- Marsh
Heroes, Tools, and the Community “Link”
Mary Beth Powers, Chair, Frontline Health Workers Coalition
Sarah Shannon, Executive Director, Hesperian Foundation
Gloria Ekpo, HIV/AID Technical Specialist, World Vision
This workshop introduced participants to some innovative efforts to develop greater recognition and appreciation of the lifesaving care that health workers provide around the world, including the REAL Awards and World Health Worker Week. Participants learned about the World Health Worker Week engagement toolkit that provides guidance on ways to mobilize communities, partners, and policy makers in support of frontline health workers. This session also provided an overview of the writing and design strategies used by Hesperian to create accessible health information for CHWs, focusing on the use of images in Hesperian materials which are critical for low-literacy audiences and trainings across languages, in particular.
Frontline Health Workers- Powers
Innovations for Developing Low-Literacy Materials to Empower Community Health Workers- Shannon
Making the Community “Link”: Experience from the Community Linkages Project in Swaziland- Ekpo
Early Childhood Development
Nicole Richardson, Early Childhood Development and Orphans and Vulnerable Children Specialist, Save the Children
Julia Rosenbaum, Deputy Director and Senior Behavior Change Specialist, WASHplus Project/FHI360
Antony Duttine, Rehabilitation Technical Advisor, Global Health , Handicap International
Patricia Murray, Program Associate for Health, Plan International; Hanna Jamal, Program Associate, Plan International
Shannon Senefeld, Global Director of Health and HIV, Catholic Relief Services
This session shared promising practices in ECD programming and also encouraged practioners to think about new and innovative ways to address ECD. The session included four presentations covering 1.) the Essential Package; 2.) Integrating WASH, Nutrition andECD; 3.) ECD and Disabilities; and 4.) ECD, Disabilities, and Emergencies.
The Essential Package- Richardson
Why WASH, Nutrition, and ECD Matter- Rosenbaum
Early Childhood Development: Are we Failing When it Doesn’t Happen?- Duttine
But We Will Always Be Here! How to Assure Sustainable Benefits after Food Aid Programs Shut Down
Beatrice Rogers, Professor of Economics and Food Policy, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University
This session reported on the results of a four-country study assessing the sustainability of program activities and impacts after the programs themselves shut down. The study was done in Bolivia, Honduras, Kenya, and India, and focused on the Title II Food for Peace programs that were terminated around 2009 as a result of a change in policy that restricted Title II programs to a limited set of high priority countries. The field work incorporated three rounds of qualitative interviews with key stakeholders (beneficiaries, local partners, community based organizations, people involved in the supply chain for agricultural products…) at the time of program exit and each year for the next two years, and a quantitative survey in each country which replicated the end line evaluation two years later, to provide quantitative estimates of program impact indicators two years after the programs ended.
But We Will Always Be Here- Rogers
No Longer Hidden: Putting Youth at the Center of the Post-MDG Agenda
Mychelle Farmer, Technical Advisor for Health and HIV, Catholic Relief Services
Beth Outterson, Advisor, Adolescent Health, Save the Children
Elizabeth Berard, Youth Advisor, USAID
This session focused on recent developments in adolescent health. The session started with panel presentations about the relationship of adolescent health to the post-MDG agenda, followed by a discussion to enhance our understanding of global policies in health and development, as they pertain to youth. Participants learned about the gaps in our global database in adolescent health, and engaged in small group discussions that will assist CORE Group to develop key messages that promote adolescent health within the post-2015 agenda.
Adolescent Health- No Longer Hidden- Farmer
The Incomplete Puzzle- Emerging Data on Adolescent Health- Outterson
USAID Policy on Youth in Development- Berard
Friday, April 26, 2013
A Promise Renewed and Emerging Global Health Priorities
John Borrazzo, Maternal and Child Health Division Chief, USAID
Since the 2012 global Call to Action event to End Preventable Child Deaths,172 countries have signed the A Promise Renewed pledge to accelerate declines in child deaths, reducing under-5 mortality to 20 or fewer under-five deaths per 1,000 live births, for every segment of society, by 2035. More than 400 civil society and faith-based organizations and more than 2,000 individuals have already pledged support. In this session, John discussed USG commitments to the pledge and other emerging USG global health priorities.
What’s Happened Since the Child Survival Call To Action- Borazzo
Ending Preventable Maternal and Newborn Death: the Global Newborn Action Plan and the USAID Maternal Health Strategy
Lily Kak, Senior Advisor, Global Partnerships and Newborn Health, USAID
Mary Ellen Stanton, Team Lead, Maternal Health, USAID
The speakers presented the highlights of the evolving Global Newborn Action Plan and USAID’s draft Maternal Health Strategy including the strategic shifts and global targets proposed in these strategic documents. The audience had the opportunity to reflect and comment on these strategic shifts and targets through interactive small group discussions that focused on a few key questions posed by the speakers.
A Bold Endgame: Ending Preventable Maternal Deaths Worldwide by 2035- Mary Ellen Stanton
Global Newborn Action Plan- Kak
U.S. Government Action Plan on Children in Adversity: New Science for Old Problems
Neil Boothby, U.S. Government Special Advisor and Senior Coordinator to the USAID Administrator on Children in Adversity, USAID
The first-ever strategic guidance for international assistance for children, the U.S. Government Action Plan on Children in Adversity draws on new scientific advances to help protect and nurture the world’s most vulnerable children. Neil discussed how the Action Plan establishes a clear link between children’s wellbeing and the social and economic progress of nations. The Action Plan also recognizes that the roots of successful adulthood and productive communities are sown in the early years of life.
US Government Action Plan for Children in Adversity- Boothby
Highlights and Closing Remarks
Judy Lewis, Haitian Health Foundation and Chair, CORE Group Boardof Directors
Judy summarized at the end of the meeting, six learning outcomes essential to capacity development were discussed throughout the meeting. Raised Awareness and Enhanced Skills were linked to the “Altered Status” of mental health, child development, workplace health, and respectful maternal care. Improved Teamwork and Fostered Networks resulted in “Altered Processes” in improved iCCM collaboration and polio coordination among others; and Formulated Policy and Implemented Strategies resulted in new “innovations” such as decreased stunting through WASH interventions and measurement of community capacity and sustainability.