Reaching Zero-Dose Children and Supporting Immunization Equity in Humanitarian Contexts Webinar from Vaccine Alliance and the International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) and Gavi


March 28, 2022
8 am

An estimated two-thirds of zero-dose children live in conflict-affected settings. More broadly, countries that are considered as fragile and conflict-affected states by the World Bank and IMF are home to nearly 1 billion people, nearly double the level 20 years ago. Research suggests that global conflicts are lasting longer and becoming more complex with greater impacts on civilian populations.

It is within this context, that Gavi and IVAC have invited a panel of humanitarian and immunization experts to discuss the importance of prioritizing immunization equity in humanitarian settings, key issues for maintaining routine services including childhood immunization, and what Gavi and partners are doing to reach the most marginalized children.

Register to the webinar here: